Систем за координација во планирањето, спроведувањето, мониторингот и евалуацијата на политиката за рамномерен регионален развој
Премостување на родовиот и возрасниот јаз на пазарот на трудот преку градење капацитети и промовирање на нови можности за работа во прекуграничниот регион - CBC работните места за изедначување на полот и возраста
The overall objective: Increased participation of women, young people and vulnerable groups of women in the labour market by introducing innovative pilot support measures. December 2021 Page 6 of 84 2_Annex A_Application form_CBC job gender and age equalizer_Comments EA - 07.09.2023 SO1 Upskilled women, young people and vulnerable groups of women and enhanced opportunities for their (self) employment in the well-paid, male dominated sectors; SO2 Established partnerships for replication and scaling up of the pilot support measures; SO3 Increased visibility and awaren Target group(s) Unemployed women; Unemployed young people up to the age of 35; Unemployed vulnerable groups of women with no prior Final beneficiaries Local self-governance units CSOs supporting women, young people and vulnerable group of women; Employers who will accept unemployed women, young people and vulnerable groups of unemployed women on internship/training and employers who will employ the upskilled target groups; Citizens in the targeted regions/municipalities. Expected outputs: Output 1 (O1)/SO1- 240 Women, young people and vulnerable groups of women educated on gender stereotypes and tools to change their mindset and access more to male dominated occupations & range of occupations in three most attractive, male dominated sectors with good employment opportunities: ICT, metal production and construction; Output 2 (O2)/SO1 – 40 women, young people and vulnerable groups of women involved in the practical work offered by employers based on ‘’learning by doing’’ approach; Output 3 (O3)/SO2 – At least 10 signed MoUs with employers and municipalities on cooperation in providing employing opportunities and further development of skills for involved targeted groups; Output 4 (O4)/SO3 - 5000 people reached through video clips/podcasts on the promotion of the role models and good practiced of women employed in male dominated sectors; Output 5 (O5)/SO3 – 2 Policy briefs created on economic and social benefits of women employment in traditional male occupations; Output 6 (O6)/SO3 Main activities: Activity 1 (A1)/O1 – Organising Training about gender stereotypes; Activity 2 (A2)/O1 – Organising Training about occupations in male dominated sectors including ICT, metal processing and construction; Activity 3 (A3)/O2 – Implementing field visit to employers; Activity 4 (A4)/O2 – Organising Mentoring Program; Activity 5 (A5)/O3 - Establishing private-public partnerships; Activity 6 (A6)/O4 -Raising awareness campaign against gender stereotypes; Activity 7 (A7)/O5 – Creating policy recommendations documents Activity 8 (A8)/O6 – Organising Visibility and cross-border networking.
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