Систем за координација во планирањето, спроведувањето, мониторингот и евалуацијата на политиката за рамномерен регионален развој

Пилот интервенции за третман на отпадни води и управување со цврст отпад во прекуграничниот регион


Overall Objective: Enhance the capacity of the relevant municipal authorities for managing and decreasing the risks of environmental pollution and resulting soil and water contamination, human health hazards and contamination of agricultural produce. Specific Objective: New and/or improved public services related to the collection and treatment of waste water and solid waste management and disposal introduced Activities: 1.1.1 To construct a waste water collector in the village of Orman, (Gjorche Petrov) for reception of the contents of the primary sewage network To conduct surveying works – route demarcation To conduct earthen works: To conduct installation works (building in of pipelines of ID 315/275mm) SN8 with hydraulic examination of the pipes To procure and install reinforced concrete inlet manholes 1000mm/H=3.10m To procure, transport and build in corrugated polypropylene (PP) sewage pipes OD 400mm SN 16 together with a connective material as a protective pipe at the railroad crossing point To conduct Final works - procuring and installing of a compacted ground tampon layer with thickness of d=30 cm. 1.2.1 To construct a plant for reception and treatment of waste waters in the village of Orman (Gjorche Petrov 1.3.1 To procure and distribute 1200 waste disposal bins (capacity 120l) for individual households (Novo Brdo 1.4.1 To procure 108 containers for selection of communal waste (glass, paper and plastic) with the capacity of 240l, for public institutions and certain public locations for collection of the solid waste of individual households, in Novo Brdo 1.4.2 To procure 102 containers with the capacity of 1.1m³ for collection of solid waste of individual households in Nobo Brdo 1.5.1: To procure a waste collection truck (capacity 7.5t) for Novo Brdo 2.1.1; 3.1.1: To organize participatory > public consultations with the affected target groups in Novo Brdo and Gjorche Petrov prior to the start and following the completion of the infrastructure and equipment related activities – 4 in total (2 in N. Brdo and 2 in Gj.Petrov) 2.2.1: To develop, adopt and publish three action plans as follows: one Joint Local Environment Action Plan with two separate chapters (Novo Brdo and Gjorche Petrov); and two separate action plans (Novo Brdo only) - Action Plan for Construction and Management of a Waste Water Sewage System and Municipal Waste Management Plan 2.3.1; 3.2.1; 4.1.1: To organize participatory public consultations with the target groups and all affected entities in the process of development of the three action plans relevant for the environment protection 2.4.1; 3.3.1; 4.2.1: To organize awareness raising activities (workshops) for dissemination of developed and adopted action plans of relevance for environment protection, and other related reference materials, with a view to promoting EU environment, wastewater and communal 1.6.1; 2.5.1; 3.4.1; 4.3.1: To recruit members of the Joint Project Team: Team Leader (full-time, N.Brdo) -Project Manager (full-time, Gj.Petrov) -Project Assistants (two, full-time, N.Brdo and Gj.Petrov) -Finance Assistants (two, part-time, N.Brdo and Gj.Petrov) 1.7; 2.6.1; 3.5.1; 4.4.1: To select and nominate members of the Joint Project Steering Committee 1.8.1; 2.6.1; 3.6.1; 4.5.1: To conduct group and gender)…> quarterly surveys of affected population to collect, analyse, refine and amend the baseline gender-specific disaggregated data – 8 surveys in total 2.7.1; 3.7.1: To engage translators in English and local languages 2.7.2; 3.7.2: To engage interpreters in local languages for public consultations and awareness raising workshops in Novo Brdo.: 1.9.1; 2.8.1; 3.8.1; 4.6.1: To engage an independent external evaluator
Времетраење проект:
Почеток 20.12.2021
Предвиден крај 19.10.2023
Крај 19.10.2023
Почетен датум:
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Датум завршување:
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Животна средина
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