Construction of a local road that connects the villages Murtino and Ednokuqevo in length of - 1387 meters - second phase


Road transport and infrastructure play a key role in economic development, increasing the number of tourists in the region, improving communication between citizens of surrounding settlements, farmers' access to their fields and wholesale markets and developing modern and functional infrastructure, as well as of the living standard of the population as a whole. Regional roads provide access to the main road corridors and the main road network and together with local roads are of great importance for the development of the local economy, attracting new investments, small businesses and agricultural activities throughout the country. In the structure of the transport of goods that is transported by roads through the Republic of Macedonia, the national transport dominates over the international and transit transport. Road transport also dominates over rail transport. At present, the total length of the road network in the country is 14,395 km, of which 242 km are classified as highways, 911 km are highways, 3,771 km are regional and 9,258 km are local roads. From this it can be concluded that the road network in the Republic of Macedonia is a good starting point for further development at both national and regional level. As in other regions, so in the Southeast region, road transport has the largest share in the total transport of goods and passengers. Out of a total of 14,395 km of road network in the Republic of Macedonia, 1,557 km or 10.46% pass on the territory of the Southeast Planning Region, namely the following roads: "A" in the length of 132.1 km, regional roads 536.9 km and local roads in length of 888 km, which can be concluded that the region is satisfactorily communicatively connected. Road infrastructure is well developed in the Southeast region, although there are conditions for its improvement. The length and quality of the local road infrastructure are satisfactory and are not below European standards. The trend of increasing the length of asphalt roads is positive. However, new local roads and improvement of existing roads are needed, especially between settlements in municipalities and between municipalities.For the realization of the Program for local and economic regional development of the Municipality of Strumica as well as the neighboring municipalities, the need was determined by the local population for construction of the local road v. Murtino - v. Ednokuqevo and on the basis of prioritization of this project by citizens, the Municipality of Strumica started preparing project documentation, ie Basic project for construction of a local road v. Murtino - v. Ednokuqevo. The Municipality of Strumica applies this project to the BRD within the Program for balanced regional development for 2016, Rural Development Projects, but due to the limited budget of the Bureau for Regional Development, only the first phase of this project proposal was completed - ie marking on the route, earthworks with compaction and drainage, however, the paved road was not asphalted so that the road was not able to be put into use. The first phase of the Draft-project “Construction of a local road v. Murtino and the village of Ednokuqevo or the compaction of the local direction is realized by October-November 2016 and thus imposes the need for fast and timely realization of the second phase of asphalting which will fully implement the basic project. Prior to the implementation of the first phase, these settlements were connected only by a local road and all users were forced to use the longer existing road. With the implementation of the project, ie with the construction of this local road, the road direction of these settlements will be reduced from 5,200 to 1,950 meters. The second phase will realize the general goal of the basic project, ie the construction of a local road between the settlements v. Murtino - v. Ednokuqevo. For the project to be successfully and fully realized, it is planned to realize the second phase as soon as possible, which will pave the road, and thus finalize the basic project. The purpose of this project is to build a local road that will connect the villages of Murtino and Ednokuqevo in a length of about 1390 m. This project will achieve Strategic Goal 4: Modernization and expansion of traffic-transport infrastructure from the Program for Development of the Southeast Planning Region 2015-2016, which will modernize and expand the traffic-transport infrastructure on the road that connects two settlements of two Neighboring Municipalities: One house from the Municipality of Bosilovo and v. Murtino from the Municipality of Strumica. The project idea is of great importance for Novo Selo because it connects the three municipalities and will be of great benefit to the citizens of all three municipalities who will use this road every day. The improved road infrastructure will enable easier communication between the three municipalities, faster and safer transport of passengers and goods, and will be of great importance for farmers who will be able to use this road every day in order to more easily reach agricultural areas and transport finished products to markets located near the micro-region. With the construction of the road it becomes clear that the speed and comfort of transport will increase, and traffic will decrease. In the area of ​​these three municipalities there are tourist sites that are important for the development of local tourism. With the construction of the local road, users will quickly and comfortably reach the waterfalls located in the villages of Gabrovo, Koleshino, Smolare, to Banja Bansko and Monospitovsko Blato. Once the local road is put into use, easy access will be provided to Monospitovo Swamp which is located on about 400 hectares in the area of ​​the village Monospitovo. The same from 2009 by a decision of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia is protected as a monument of nature, and its status as a monument of nature is protected by ratified international conventions. Monospitovo swamp is a museum in the nature of rare flora and fauna that makes it an attraction and a huge opportunity to develop local tourism in the municipality of Bosilovo, a place would like to visit domestic and foreign tourists who enjoy seeing the rare flora and fauna. The construction of the local road and the access to the swamp will provide the basic precondition for rapid development of that type of tourism. At the same time, the construction of the road will provide better protection against pollution because there will be easier access to the services for maintenance of cleanliness and protection of the environment, flora and fauna, as well as protection from human negligence. The construction of the local road from the village of Murtino to the village of Ednokuqevo to the final stage of asphalting and its use will be of great importance for the citizens of these settlements because there will be greater cooperation between the three municipalities, as well as improving local economic and tourism development.
Project timeline:
Start 20.04.2017
Anticipated end 30.11.2017
End 30.11.2017
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони5.035.408,005.035.408,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ5.035.408,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија