Construction of a part of the road between the settlements of Canaklija and Nova Maala in the length of 1 km


The development of road infrastructure is one of the basic conditions for intensive sustainable development of a region. In a situation when road transport is the only type of transport in most of a region, the importance of road infrastructure for enabling the sustainable development of the region is multiplied. The development of a region depends on several factors. One of the most important is the qualitative and quantitative degree of construction of the physical infrastructure. Every society strives to provide a higher and better standard of living for its citizens, which in essence means a constant improvement of living conditions. Out of a total of 9570 km of local road network in the Republic of Macedonia, 902 km or 9.42% pass on the territory of the Southeast Planning Region (According to the State Statistical Office for 2015). Local roads are the most common in the total number of categorized roads in the road network in the country, but also in the Southeast planning region. The entire road network in the Southeast Planning Region can be considered as medium developed, due to which the continuous improvement, reconstruction and construction of new road sections is of particular importance. The Southeast Pans region is an agricultural region. Access to agricultural land, but also the safe transport of agricultural products to purchase centers, markets and processing facilities is one of the basic preconditions for quality agricultural production. The road v. Canaklia - v. Nova Maala, municipality of Vasilevo is 4.02 km long and belongs to the category of local roads. Its construction started in 2013, so far it has built only 1.3 km of the road and a bridge over the river Pogana. The construction is not completed and the existing dirt road is in very poor condition and is difficult to pass for motor vehicles, especially after rain and snow. Due to this situation, ie the lack of modern road infrastructure, the communication of the population from these two settlements with the settlement of Dobroshinci is difficult and disabled, further with the other settlements in the municipality of Vasilevo, but also the connection with the settlements of Strumica and Bosilovo. This road is especially important for about 40 children, students from the village. Canaklija who travel every day on this road and attend classes from sixth to ninth grade at the primary school "Atanas Nevicanski" in Nova Maala. The existing road creates difficulties for them in their daily travel to school in various weather conditions and prolongs the travel time of the students. The use of the existing road or surrounding roads causes problems for farmers, such as increased transport costs and losses due to reduced quality of agricultural products. With the non-existence of this road, the population of the municipality of Vasilevo travels 20 km to connect through the village. Hamzali with the municipality of Bosilovo and the municipality of Novo Selo, as well as with the municipality of Berovo in the Eastern region, which gives this local road direction inter-regional significance. The construction of this local road will improve the communication between the citizens of the settlements of Canaklija, Nova Maala and Dobroshinci, who together have about 670 households or about 2450 inhabitants. This road is of particular importance for the students from Canaklia from sixth to ninth grade, who travel daily to the school in Nova Maala. The completion of this road will shorten the travel time of students to school and will improve travel conditions. On the other hand, the asphalting of this local road means improvement of the local road infrastructure at the level of the Southeast Planning Region, realization of another need of the citizens, and the transport of agricultural products will be improved. It will be possible for the citizens from these settlements to be connected with the road A4 to the border crossing Novo Selo towards R. Bulgaria. The travel of the citizens will be significantly reduced, who instead of 20 km, with the construction of this road will travel only 4 km to connect with the municipality of Bosilovo and the municipality of Berovo through the regional road R-1302. The development of tourism in the region is closely related to the provision of adequate road infrastructure, by providing adequate infrastructure conditions will provide residents of these settlements with easy access to tourist sites in the Southeast and East region. In the future, along this road, the municipality of Vasilevo plans to form an industrial zone with the construction of a wine cellar, in order to meet the needs of farmers in this area who are mainly engaged in growing vineyards. In that direction, the municipality of Vasilevo is already preparing an urban plan for two wineries and five plots for photovoltaic systems for electricity production.According to the above, the importance of this road in the suburban belt is great. It will be an access road to the industrial zone in the municipality of Vasilevo, and at the same time will provide connection of the entire suburban belt and will be a road that will be a connection with the highway A4 to the regional road R-1302 leading to Berovo. The construction of this road takes place in several stages and with the required funds the project will not be fully realized. The project consists of the following phases: 1. In 2013, with funds provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a part of this road was built starting from the settlement Nova Maala in the length of 1.3 km; 2. In the second phase in 2014, with funds provided by the Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development, a bridge over the river Pogana was built; 3. At this stage, with the financial means applied to the Bureau for Regional Development, it is planned to build another part of the road direction Canaklija - Nova Maala, starting from the village. Canaklija in the length of 1 km; 4. Furthermore, in the last phase, financial resources will be required to build the rest of the road in the length of 2 km, which will complete the road Canaklija - Nova Maala. The construction of the local road direction consists of making a complete new road construction, defining and arranging sidewalks, making a horizontal and vertical solution and solving the drainage of storm water. The construction of the road Canaklija - Nova Maala leads to the improvement of the road infrastructure in the region and the improvement of the living and working conditions of the citizens, which enables greater economic development of the entire Southeast region.
Project timeline:
Start 20.04.2017
Anticipated end 30.11.2017
End 30.11.2017
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони8.771.183,008.771.183,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ8.771.183,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 1.800.000,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија