Developed Tourism Potentials in cross border region in rural area


Thematic Priority: Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage Implementing institutions: DTTU Radika Rezor Dooel – Lead Partner Maja e zeze Limited Liability Company – Partner Website: Duration: 18 months Project value: EUR 386,054.56 EU Contribution: EUR 200,000.00 Co-financing: EUR 186,054.56 The project is based on existing potentials of the both tourism businesses (Radika and Maja e Zeze) in bordering areas, the main challenges and shortcomings that are impacting sustainable and social economic development of the area. In addition, the selected thematic priority encompass subject matters and types of interventions of common interest, benefiting a broad spectrum of institution organization and businesses located on both sides of the border. Enhancing rural tourism in cross-border region through engagement of two businesses in development of attraction points and improving quality of products and services will promote joint initiatives and integrated actions in to sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage resources, and fostering tourism development as one of the most important economic sectors furthering economic growth and better living conditions of the community. The proposed project is in correlation with the specific objectives the tourism potential are enhanced and regional values further promoted through achieving the proposed results are in full harmony with the cross-border countries' objective to increase contribution in sustainable employment, rural tourism, and economic growth of Macedonia and Kosovo as well as. In general, the actions relevant to specific themes on Tourism potentials are enhanced and regional values further promoted which will: promote employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border; encourage and improve joint protection of the environment, promote climate change adaptation and mitigation and prevent and manage environmental risks; encourage tourism and cultural and natural heritage; support links between relevant institutions/organizations from both side of the border; have partners from both sides of the border. Overall objective: Enhancing rural tourism in cross border region through engagement of two businesses in development of attraction points and improving the quality of products and services Specific objectives: Diversifying rural tourism attraction of two regions through expanding cross –border tourism packages offers Improving infrastructure of businesses’ areas by rehabilitation and small scale construction Direct Beneficiaries: Local businesses, rural community of Mavrovo and Gjilan; Radika Resort and Maja e Zeze Results: Improved infrastructure and rehabilitated areas of businesses 29 new employees in businesses 2 new handicrafts association access to tourist with their products cooperation with 2 artisans and handicrafts organizations cooperation with skiing, hiking, fishing and hunting organization 70 employee trained in culinary customer care services increased scale of promotion of cross border tourist attraction with cross border tourist packages Exchange of expertise between businesses Increase income of businesses for at least 10% Resource optimization
Project timeline:
Start 08.01.2018
Anticipated end 08.07.2019
End 05.01.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Ministry of Local Self-Government
Mavrovo and Rostushe
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
1.Зголемување на конкурентноста, развој на бизнисот, МСП, трговијата и инвестициите 2. Поттикнување на туризмот и културното и природното наследство 3.Заштита на животната средина, промовирање на адапцијата кон климатските промени и намалување, спречување и управување со ризици1.901.564,750,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА1.901.564,75 Максимално Национално кофинансирање
Фондови на Европската унија 12.300.000,00Грант на Европска Унија
Други извори 9.540.790,69Сопствени средства
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија