Strengthening of institutional capacities in the Pelagonian region to improve social services and environmental protection


"Kiro Krsteski-Platnik" YOU Home for the elderly - Prilep is a public municipal institution for out-of-family care for the elderly with a total capacity of 150 beds. The current total number of accommodated service users is 130. Out of the total number of accommodated users, 65 are from Prilep, and the rest are from the vicinity of Prilep and other cities of the Republic of Macedonia, that is, from other municipalities in the Pelagonian region and neighboring regions. The nursing home is the only institution of its kind in the northern part of Pelagonia and has been operating since 1977. Home for the elderly "Kiro Krsteski-Platnik" - Prilep offers non-family care services. The main activity of the House is: - accommodation, care, 24-hour help and support from experts, food, clothing, help and care, provision of certain health care depending on the established needs of the service users; - social, cultural and recreational activities, access to education, acquisition of life skills, work training and professional rehabilitation depending on the needs, abilities and requirements of service users, specialized professional assistance and social support of their family. - work production activity, work therapy and the like. In addition to the basic activity, the House can perform the following additional activities: - organization of services in the home and services in the community of elderly people in the form of providing help in home conditions; - day and half-day stay for retired and elderly people; - organizing clubs for the elderly. In carrying out its activity, the Home can expand its activity in accordance with the Municipality of Prilep. The home performs additional activity according to the National Classification of Activity of RSM-56.29 Other services for preparing and serving food. Accommodation in the Home in accordance with the Law on Social Protection is carried out on the basis of a private agreement for the accommodation of elderly people who are in need or do not have the conditions to live in their own family and need extra-family protection. The home also accommodates beneficiaries of social protection through the Centers for Social Work with their Decisions for placement in a non-family institution of persons who have found themselves at social risk, as well as the acceptance and temporary accommodation of adults and elderly persons, who due to various circumstances are found outside their place of residence, without means of living or are without a permanent place of residence, until their return to their own family or placement in another appropriate institution for social protection. The home offers 24-hour care and maintenance as well as maintenance of personal hygiene, changing of clothes, bed linen, laundry, etc. Bathing in the home is organized by classes throughout the week. The total area of the building is 4,500 m², and the heated area in the building is 3,100 m². The building is heated by a boiler plant with radiators. The annual energy consumption in the facility for 2021 for electricity amounts to 152,189 kWh, that is, 1,200,000 MKD. 60,348 lit or 3,000,096 denars were spent on extra light fuel for 2021. Realization and implementation of the proposed project for the Institution will be of great importance because in this time of a major energy crisis the home will significantly reduce costs, ie by about 50%. The achieved savings will be reinvested by the Home in improving the living conditions of its residents.
Project timeline:
Start 07.11.2022
End 25.11.2022
Anticipated end 30.11.2023
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Environmental protection and sustainable use of shared natural resources in the CBC region
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони6.892.278,006.892.278,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ6.892.278,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија