Reconstruction of the existing and construction of a new road network in the Public Health Institute


The planning regions in the Republic of Macedonia are relatively well covered with highways and regional roads. However, as in the whole country, as well as in the South-West planning region, the local road network is generally in poor condition, and in some sections the quality is at a very low level, which is a potential danger for normal traffic. In the last decade, using funds from the World Bank, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, as well as the municipalities themselves, part of the local roads have been reconstructed and upgraded (3.4%). With the exception of Skopje, Vardar and Polog, in all other planning regions the condition of most of the main highways, regional and local routes is not in accordance not only with the requirements for economic development, but also with the standards for safe traffic. Several sections of the highways are in extremely poor condition, primarily due to the fact that they were built 30-40 years ago, and are not properly maintained and timely reconstructed. In addition, a feature for all regions is the underdevelopment and quality of the local road network. This is primarily a consequence of insufficient maintenance, and insufficient investment in this type of infrastructure. The poor development of the local road network is especially characteristic for the hilly-mountainous areas in each of the regions (which is a kind of typical of the PHAP). The improvement of the road infrastructure is of exceptional importance for the development of the regions, having in mind that the high concentration of the population in the urban areas is unfavorable for the development, and the unsuitable local roads do not enable development of tourism and other economic activities for which PESR has great potential (especially in rural areas, outside the known and developed tourist destinations). The project activities envisage steps to be taken in the most important tourist center in the country - Ohrid - to improve the communication links within the old city core. Thus, in the central area, it is necessary to undertake reconstruction of Kosta Abrash Street and improvement of the small square around the Tabana site, a total of about 500 m2. Kosta Abrash Street is an "entrance" street for the old part of the city, and therefore it is inevitable to carry out activities that will mean its modernization / modernization, as well as ennoblement, ie enrichment of the square around it with modern architectural and horticultural content, because exactly This zone is a kind of - starting - point of view of tourists from which the views of the old part of Ohrid are observed. Vevcani is one of the most visited rural tourist destinations in the Republic of Macedonia, which abounds in a number of natural rarities and localities. This settlement is also known for its cultural wealth, as well as the old architecture, which the people of Vevcani brought from different parts of the world. Besides these characteristics, Vevcani in our country and the world is best known for the traditional "Vevcani Carnival", which is a large, open theater, interesting for domestic and foreign visitors. In order to modernize the infrastructure of this tourist destination, several activities will be undertaken to improve the local road network leading to certain specific micro-locations in the settlement. In that direction, five alleys will be built and arranged (Popej - Bebekoj; Pupini - жezoj; жezoj 1; Kostojчиini 3, and Aluloj - Gogoj) in a length of 630 m. The Municipality of Centar Жupa is especially specific for the SOUTHWEST planning region, because it is dominated by a predominantly Turkish population, and from that point of view it is an interesting destination for ordinary visitors and potential investors from Turkey, as well as during the visits of officials, senior officials and delegations. country, who often stay in the Republic of Macedonia, and show interest in visiting these settlements. Ц. Zupa is attractive, above all, because of the memorial house of (the great Turkish statesman) Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, whose origin is exactly from this area, as well as from the aspect of the profane architecture that captivates with its authenticity. There are not many places in Macedonia where architectural units from the Ottoman period have been preserved, and for those reasons the project envisages efforts to improve the road network of the mentioned municipality. In Centar Жupa, the road is in the settlement of тиitineni, and here it is planned to complete the rehabilitation of the road in the length of 1.4 km, through interventions for compaction of certain soil branches, scraping the damaged asphalt and laying a new one, as well as its modernization through the installation of curbs. Makedonski Brod is an important tourist destination from a speleological point of view for the region, but also for the whole of Macedonia, because on this territory are the most important and most visited caves (such as Peshna and Slatinski izvor, and over 20 others) in the country, which by their They transcend our -local- borders, and from that perspective the municipality is, in particular, amenable to the development of these selective forms of tourist activities. Unfortunately, very few investments have been made in M. Brod in order to improve the general condition of the road infrastructure. In that direction, the project will undertake activities for rehabilitation of the road Dimitar Vlahov, which has a significant role in improving the local infrastructure in M. Brod, interesting from the aspect of the visitors of this city. With most project activities, this road will be completely rehabilitated (by installing drainage and drainage pipes, manholes and compaction), asphalted and modernly arranged by installing curbs.
Project timeline:
Start 13.06.2019
Anticipated end 30.11.2019
End 30.11.2019
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Centar Zhupa
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони16.198.135,0016.198.135,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ16.198.135,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија