Construction of EE facilities


MUNICIPALITY OF STRUGA - JOUDG "March 8" - The building itself is intended for kindergarten, with two levels, ground floor and in part of the building there is a basement with which there is no hot connection with the ground floor. The structural system of the building is solved as a reinforced concrete skeletal system, placed on reinforced concrete foundation strips, in one part reinforced with reinforced concrete foundation single, and are in accordance with the static calculation and reinforcement details. The outer walls of the building are thick with d = 25 cm, are made of ceramic blocks with extended plaster, while the inner partition walls are of different thickness (d = 12, 25 cm) and it is planned to issue ceramic blocks in extended mortar as well. . The roof is envisaged and designed as a multi-water roof combined as a multipurpose (single and double) chair, placed and solved on a reinforced concrete roof slab. MUNICIPALITY OF DEBAR - For the needs of the Municipality of Debar, the roof of the sports hall of the primary school "Penestia" should be repaired. The roof of the sports hall is four-water and the auxiliary rooms are one-water and two-water made of wooden construction - wooden chair. Above the construction are wooden horns at a distance of 70 cm to 90 cm. The roof is made of worn salon boards in many places damaged. The roof structure is relatively good but the living room cover is in very poor condition and needs to be replaced. The horizontal and vertical gutters and the lightning rod are partially damaged. Waterproofing and thermal insulation and renovation of the horizontal and vertical gutters as well as the lightning rod should also be provided. MUNICIPALITY OF OHRID - Primary school St. Kliment Ohridski-The main goal of this activity is to reduce the consumption of electricity and heat by replacing windows and doors. Windows and doors have a great function in every building. 10% of heat losses are realized through windows and doors. These losses can be reduced to a minimum by replacing old windows and doors with new ones, which have improved features and help reduce heat loss. The new windows and doors will heat the space faster and easier and will significantly reduce heat loss through windows and doors. There are currently a number of types of windows and doors with improved features. In addition to thermal insulation, the new windows provide improved sound insulation. There are windows that are double and triple glazed with thermal insulation glass, covered with wooden, aluminum or plastic (PVC) frame, with filling between the glasses of inert gas - argon, which acts as an insulator. Such windows and doors are thermal packages that provide increased thermal and sound insulation and they are energy efficient windows. They have high resistance to atmospheric influences and are long-lasting. According to technical conditions and standards in the EU, energy efficient windows are mandatory in all new buildings. The basic project envisages replacement of old windows and doors with a total of 112 pieces. MUNICIPALITY OF DEBRCA - The school building is located in the village of Meseista. It is positioned in the center of the village and leads to an access road. The building is built on a sloping ground from the ground floor and first floor. The building is made of load-bearing walls in stone 55-60 cm, plastered on the inside. The floors are plank laid on compacted earth. The ceilings are made of reed plaster. The roof construction is wooden - double chair made with all the necessary roof elements and connections. The covering is with grooved tile. Three chimneys are registered in the very stone walls, which in the roof party are made of solid brick. The object has no horizontal and vertical conclusions. In the school, perceiving the needs and possibilities, it is necessary to do: the space from the lower part to be repaired, to install thermal protection over the ceilings, replacement of old windows and doors with new PVC, installation of waterproofing. MUNICIPALITY OF VEVCANI - For the needs of the municipality, installation of windows and doors is envisaged, ie change of the existing double wooden windows and exterior doors, with PVC profiles glazed with thermopane glass 4 + 16 + 4 in the building of the local self-government - House of Culture in Vevcani, in order to improve the working conditions and energy characteristics of the building. It is necessary to remove the existing windows and doors that need to be replaced with new ones, in order to increase the thermal and sound protection of the buildings without compromising the authenticity of the external appearance of the building. Newly designed windows and doors should be provided with modern quality materials, easily maintainable, resistant to wear and scratches. The building is located in the very center of Vevcani. The building is intended for C - Public institutions. MUNICIPALITY OF CENTAR ZUPA - Old municipal building - The buildings are designed according to the detailed urban conditions as a three-part administrative building, the first and largest part of which has a ground floor and a first floor, while the two smaller parts of the existing building have only a ground floor. The building is old and the project envisages the following: replacement of exterior carpentry-windows and doors with new ones made of PVC, replacement of interior doors; plastering of interior walls; new external thermal facade; energy repair of damaged roof.
Project timeline:
Start 14.02.2020
Anticipated end 30.11.2020
End 22.12.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Локален економски развој
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони18.248.443,0018.248.443,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ18.248.443,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија