Improving the tourist offer in the Southeast Planning Region through the construction of road infrastructure in the Sunny Lake settlement Mantovo


The southeast planning region extends to the extreme southeastern part of the Republic of Macedonia, the southern part borders with the Republic of Greece, the east with the Republic of Bulgaria, and the north and west with the East and Vardar planning region. In order to realize its vision, ie to be a desired destination with recognizable features, the Southeast Planning Region constantly strives to create competitive advantages, recognizable Macedonian products, encouraging the development of export-oriented industries, encouraging the development of existing tourism potentials and developing new . According to their characteristics and position, within the region are identified many natural and historical beauties that offer a variety of tourism and are visited by domestic and foreign tourists. The Southeast region strives to maintain its tourism potential by exploiting the opportunities of the region as well as by maintaining a balance between the economic and overall social needs of the region. There are 3 artificial lakes in the Southeast planning region, and one of them is located in the municipality of Konce. The municipality of Konce is a rural municipality in the Southeast Macedonia. The municipality is part of the Radovis region, and statistically it is part of the Southeast planning region. According to the natural characteristics, Lake Mantovo is considered a tourist site with great potential in the area of ​​the Southeast Planning Region, ie the Lake and its surroundings is a tourist resource on which the municipality and the Southeast plan to develop tourism. The lake is located at a distance of 15 km from Konce, 18 km from Radovish and 25 km from Stip, which makes it attractive for visitors from the wider area, both from the Southeast region and from neighboring regions with which borders. In terms of capacity, it is the second accumulation in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. Although completely located in the municipality of Konce, the lake was built in order to meet the needs of neighboring municipalities. This area has already been established as a main tourist center with an existing urban plan to be developed, called "Sunny Lake Settlement Mantovo". In terms of tourism, the Lake and its surroundings, the first thing they can offer is clean air, clean water, beautiful landscape, peace and quiet which surrounds this beautiful place. The lake has its own pleasant microclimate, so that the water temperature in the summer months reaches 24 degrees, which makes it suitable in the summer for swimming and various types of water sports. At the moment, several attractions are planned near the Lake in order to encourage the tourist offer. The first steps were taken by the municipality of Konce with the construction of the "Vlach Cottages", within the project "Cultural heritage of the Vlachs in the regions of Konce and Serres", by the program for cross-border cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece. Also, by the municipality, another project is underway for the construction of a tourist settlement with individual holiday hooks, a hotel, trim trails and sports fields on the Lake. Every year the Lake is visited by fishermen from the surrounding municipalities because it is rich in rich and diverse biodiversity, with a variety of freshwater fish and birds. The most common fish are: carp, catfish, chub, carp and perch, so it is a common destination for fans of sport fishing. On on the shore of the lake there is a monastery. Also in the immediate vicinity is the famous hill Gabrovska Chuka, which is an unexplored archeological site. Near the same hill, the part of the almost vertical granite rocks with a height of 2 to 25 meters is especially interesting. These rocks have a southern exposure and provide good conditions for mountaineering and are already visited by fans of this adrenaline sport from the local mountaineering club Ploca from Radovis. The whole wider area of ​​the Lake is surrounded by forests and meadows so that, if pedestrian paths are arranged, can be used by hiking enthusiasts, and if bike paths are arranged then they can be used for mountain biking. The potential of the region is the basis, but it is not enough to attract domestic and foreign tourists and investments in the region. For the realization of measures for tourism development, it is necessary to constantly invest in the existing tourist offer that exists in the region or to enrich it with a new offer, to strengthen the human resources and to improve the road infrastructure. All these factors are important and contribute to the development of tourism, but in case of their absence, there is an obstacle in the development of certain tourist areas which are potential not only for the development of tourism but also for attracting investments that will improve the economic development in the region. The fact that the Lake has not yet used its tourism potential, suggests that tourism can not develop spontaneously. There are several reasons for such a situation, such as not having a good access road, regular traffic line, tourist infrastructure, built accommodation and catering facilities, shops for basic items, tourism marketing and more. For these reasons, the Lake is visited only by day or weekend tourists with tents, as well as by the owners of the weekend houses around the Lake. At the moment, this tourist settlement is facing development obstacles due to the absence of a factor that not only slows down the development of tourism but also affects economic development. Due to the inadequacy of access to this settlement, at this time, investments in the infrastructure of accommodation facilities are limited and recreation, while at the same time the population itself does not have enough motivation to rent rooms or start any other tourism-related business. Mantovo, as a tourist location in the Southeast Planning Region does not meet the needs and expectations of visitors in terms of visiting locations of natural beauty around the Lake. To overcome this shortcoming, it is proposed to implement this project proposal that will contribute to improving the conditions for accessibility of population and tourists to the Sunny Lake settlement, increasing the attractiveness of the Lake, keeping the population in the place of birth, motivation to start a business, increase investment, and thus increase the number of tourists and economic activities both municipal and regional level. This project proposal envisages improvement of the road infrastructure, ie construction of the following streets leading to the Sunny Lake settlement Mantovo, as follows: - Street No. 8 with a width of 3 meters of asphalt, on part 1 with a length of about 40 meters and on part 2 with a length of about 45 meters. Both parts of this street pass by plots for building weekend houses and descend to Lake Mantovo; - street no. 3 with a width of 6 meters of asphalt and 2x0.5 m sidewalks on the sides. This street connects with 8th and 2nd streets, connects several construction plots for weekend houses and it passes by the plot planned for an auto camp; - street no. 2 with a width of 6 meters of asphalt and 2x0.5 m sidewalks on the sides. This street continues with street 3 and connects several construction plots for weekend houses and it starts from the local road Brana Mantovo-s. Gabrevci and continues to Lake Mantovo. According to the current situation of the location where the construction of streets no. 8 and no. 3 is agricultural land. The surface is covered with humus material with height H = 20cm, which needs to be removed before starting the construction of the hull on the streets. It is planned on this street construction of storm sewer and road which will be carried out simultaneously depending on the possibilities. The current condition of the location where the expansion of street no. 2 is planned is hilly terrain. Previous works are planned to be done on this street, such as demolition of existing buildings and fences. Earthworks, excavation of earth material, preparation of the subsoil, demolition of existing asphalt, installation of a buffer and installation of asphalt or behaton tiles will be performed on the thus prepared terrain, according to the project documentation. The proposed location is located north of the artificial accumulation Mantovo, on its coastal part, K.O. "Dolna Vrstica", municipality of Konce. The location of the site is of high tourist-commercial and urban qualities. The space has a very attractive and suitable terrain, the area as an urban whole is 24.87 ha. The plots in the locality are in mixed ownership, some are privately owned, and some are state-owned, which enables the attraction of significant and attractive investors. For the whole complex, a grid is provided through which direct access to each construction plot will be provided. The site is conditional on the construction of weekend houses, hotel complex, sports and recreation center, accommodation facilities and other business activities. With its space it is attractive for investing in significant development programs of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. By improving this road infrastructure, the development of the village and rural areas in the future will enable full activation of the potentially relevant for the development of the economy, improvement of living and working conditions and permanent motivation of the population for survival in home environment, will improve the accessibility of local tourists from the surrounding municipalities who come every year for fishing as well as other tourists who visit the built attractions in the settlement. The project proposal targets Lake Mantovo, ie overcoming the limitation of access and access to authentic natural beauties and activities that are a valuable resource in the Southeast planning region, and which are not sufficiently exposed within the destination.
Project timeline:
Start 23.04.2019
Anticipated end 30.11.2019
End 30.11.2019
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони12.141.718,0012.141.718,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ12.232.806,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија