Enhancement of cultural and natural heritage values


The action’s goal is promotion and increment of the value of cultural heritage, both of the single monument and the whole urban unit. It will also increase the number and quality of museum products and services and significant growth in visiting numbers is expected in the period after the project is completed. By following relevant national and European strategies for cultural sector, new trends of museum development in the 21st century and social responsibility linked with users and audience, the museum aims to provide answers to new approaches, especially those connected to economic impact and linked with cultural tourism The key stakeholders of the action are local governance institutions in particular the Departments for Cultural and Sports, Departments for economic development, Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development, regional development agencies, Local women and youth NGO’s, Chambers of commerce of the targeted municipalities and regions. It is foreseen to formalize cooperation between the project and abovementioned institutions. In this manner, the project will be sustainable to avoid any obstacles which may occur while also having a wider impact on sector development of both targeted countries. During the pre-project preparation phase consultation, meetings have been held with all relevant stakeholders and all of them have shown their willingness and readiness to collaborate and contribute to the implementation of this action. Some of the stakeholders have experience with cross-border concept and project preparation and implementation. The stakeholders have committed themselves to strongly support implementation of this action. During the implementation phase of the project it is foreseen to regularly update the stakeholders on project progress through regular meetings. The stakeholders will participate in the action’s milestone events and will be members of Intangible Cultural Heritage Cross border cooperation body. With their extensive experience, they will assist on providing data and information from the field, diligently help to implement the planned project activities and establish a sense of successful cooperation between the target groups in both countries. Overall objective: Bring investments and marketing into the cross-border area to promote it as a tourism destination and enhance cultural and natural heritage values through conservation and restoration of an old building and establishing traditional cultural events in the cross-border area Specific Objectives: Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites to develop economic activities for women and youth by promoting intangible and tangible cultural heritage Improving the conditions of cultural outdoor localities for developing traditional cultural events in cross border area Promoting cultural heritage and tourism in cross-border region Direct Beneficiaries: Youth, Youth Associations of the East Economic Region of Kosovo and North-East Region of North Macedonia and High School Students Children, preschoolers; Elementary School Pupils Women and minorities, population of targeted municipalities Handicraft producers and entrepreneurs of the East Economic Region of Kosovo and North-East Region of North Macedonia Results: One conserved and restored cultural heritage site adapted to the Ethnographic Museum, fostering economic activity for women, youth by promoting intangible and tangible cultural heritage. One improved location for developing sports and traditional, cultural events in cross-border area. Increased promotion of the cultural heritage in the cross-border area.
Project timeline:
Start 01.01.2020
Anticipated end
End 01.10.2021
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Protection, development and promotion of public values ​​of culture and historical heritage
Ministry of Local Self-Government
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
1.Зголемување на конкурентноста, развој на бизнисот, МСП, трговијата и инвестициите 2. Поттикнување на туризмот и културното и природното наследство 3.Заштита на животната средина, промовирање на адапцијата кон климатските промени и намалување, спречување и управување со ризици2.200.830,940,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Фондови на Европската унија 27.143.581,64 
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА2.200.830,94Максимално национално кофинансирање за Општина Куманово
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија