Ground floor arrangement with installation of urban equipment at "Crnodolski Vodopadi" Pehchevo, municipality of Pehchevo


Generally the problem related to tourism in the East Planning Region and in the destination No. 5 - Malesh for the development of tourism in Macedonia from the World Bank Study is the insufficient and underdeveloped tourist infrastructure, ie the limitation / seasonal character of the tourist offer, the unrecognizability of the tourist product and the insufficient cohesion of stakeholders in creating a specific identity and offer in and quality. On the territory of the municipality of Pehchevo there is a natural rarity with great tourist potential - Pehchevo waterfalls (5 waterfalls along the upper course of the river Bregalnica within the tourist settlement "Ravna Reka") which are partially arranged with funds from the donor community, East Planning Region and the Municipality of Pehchevo but due to the applied concept of using nature. materials from the immediate environment in the arrangement (wooden paths, bridges, handrails, fences, etc.) there are difficulties in maintenance and its (use). Namely, especially in the summer / autumn period of the waterfalls there are a large number of visitors (in Lately there are most visitors from Bulgaria and Turkey) from the country and abroad who alone or organized as groups from the hotel "Gogov" Pehchevo and the hotels "Manastir", "Aurora" and "Bela Water "from Berovo and from the hotel" Macedonia "Delchevo or other tours of travel agencies such as Atlantis - Strumica, Aurora Tours - Skopje, Marshall Travel - Pehchevo, etc. visit the waterfalls. Due to the increased frequency of visitors there is a frequent need for repairs and maintenance of paths, bridges, gazebos, etc., but also, due to the humidity in the forest, shading, etc., there is accelerated rot of the wooden table used for the path, urban equipment and the entire infrastructure in general, ie there is damage. on access pathways from natural but also from anthropogenic factor. The need to improve accessibility to waterfalls and facilitate the movement of visitors presupposes improvement, ie construction of a new tourist infrastructure (access path with urban equipment) based on the quality of materials that will guarantee safety, easy access and movement through the path, entertainment and educational content along the same, ie urban equipment adapted especially to visitors with children and older visitors with sufficient places for rest and recreation. In the context of the need to build the recognition and content of the tourist offer, an inevitable part of the offer of all micro-regional accommodation and catering entities from the municipalities of Pehchevo, Berovo and Delchevo but also of the large number of owners of private accommodation (cottages and villas) from tur. settlements "Ravna Reka" Pehchevo, and "Ablanica" and Berovo Lake, Berovo is a visit to the Pehchevo waterfalls. The development of infrastructure and accessibility of waterfalls is an essential part of the stay of tourists in the micro-region, which usually assumes a stay in a hotel or private accommodation and travel / visit to local sights, ie most often a visit to the tourist settlement "Ravna Reka" which includes the Pehchevo waterfalls (Crnodolski waterfall). The needs strongly expressed by the private sector for support of the tourist activity for construction and enrichment of its offer, which usually presupposes a visit to the Pehcevo waterfalls and the Tour. settlement "Ravna Reka", Pehchevo, imply construction of a NEW tourist infrastructure on access paths, etc. accompanying urban, etc. equipment in the context of approaching visitors (so far waterfalls have been virtually inaccessible to older visitors and young children), improved exposure to trails, improved visibility with info-boards and enrichment with attractive contents along the trails especially for visitors with children, cyclists, etc. target groups. Accessibility and safety are the key factors that determine the attractiveness and thus the attendance of Pehcevo waterfalls (Crnodolski waterfall) and accordingly through the construction of an access path paved with stone slabs, stone-concrete protective walls, safe bridges with protective handrails and fences, installation of urban equipment for rest and recreation (gazebos, benches and tables for rest, space for food preparation-barbecue, waste bins, information boards, etc.) following the example of good experiences and practice from the neighborhood (Koleshino, Gabrovo and other waterfalls of Belasica in the South-East region) and beyond, the whole region will be affirmed and will contribute to the development of tourism, will increase the number of visitors, will continue their residence and thus will increase the economic effect of tourists in the context of private sector growth, new employment and increased economic activity.
Project timeline:
Start 14.02.2020
Anticipated end 30.11.2020
End 30.11.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Локален економски развој
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони6.459.878,006.459.878,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ6.459.878,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 249.177,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија