Environmental protection in the Vardar region by finalizing the riverbed of the river Luda Mara, Municipality of Kavadarci


Environmental management and protection is an essential segment of regional development policy, so as such it is ranked as a high priority in all strategic development documents. The need for environmental protection is based on the principles of sustainable development, in parallel with the growing needs of the population for better living conditions, clean drinking water and healthy living. The Vardar region, which extends in the central part of our country, offers a wide range of protected areas, which can also be called individual monuments of of nature and nature reserves. The Tikvesh valley, which mainly covers the middle course of the river Vardar along with all its tributaries, is of particular importance because it is a representative natural area that has great geomorphological, biological and landscape value. This valley abounds with recreational contents such as: Tikvesh Lake, Vatash Lake, Moklishko Lake, Luda Mara River, Javorov Waterfall, Kozuv Mountain, which attract a huge number of tourists, domestic and foreign, especially in summer. The symbol of the Tikvesh valley is the city of Kavadarci, which according to area, is the second largest municipality in our country. This municipality abounds in unique flora and fauna. The Alshar violet is a characteristic, perennial herbaceous plant that is found only in the vicinity of the Alshar mine, 40 km south of Kavadarci. An exceptionally unique plant is the Kajmakchalan carnation, a southern Balkan endemic known only for the Kajmakchalan peak on Mount Nidze. In the context of these rare plants, we can also mention Marianino tulip, Emova thyme, Macedonian muse, Horvatikev cleaner and others. The Municipality of Kavadarci is spread on both banks of the river Luda Mara, which extends in length of 33.5 km and covers a catchment area of ​​140.47 km2. The catchment area of ​​the river Luda Mara in the Municipality of Kavadarci is a segment of the environment and there is a need for its arrangement and rehabilitation in order to protect the environment. The river has a very low water level during the summer months, but in spring or autumn or during heavy rains it comes quickly and in a short period of time, as "crazy", it can flood a large area. The city of Kavadarci was often flooded by the river, from where it got its name. This aggressive name has been given to the river since The ancient times when the river came and was known for its furious madness, flooding, noise, carrying everything in front of it. This "crazy" river in the history of Tikvesh has left many marks, including the complete demolition of poor coastal houses, the destruction of the old municipal building, the demolition of wooden bridges and the complete removal of stones from its riverbed. In the past years, measures for regulation of the riverbed have been actively taken, three phases have been realized, ie: - The first phase was realized in 2009 and this phase included the construction of the riverbed of Luda Mara in the length of 2000 meters, more precisely from the bridge "Vidoe Smilevski" at the complex of buildings "Belka" to the bridge "Braka Hadzi Tefovi" (or also called Brushan Bridge); - The second phase, which was realized thanks to financial resources provided by the Center for Development of Vardar Planning Region through the Program for balanced regional development of the Bureau for Regional Development, and in it continued with the completion of the riverbed of Luda Mara in the length of 355 meters, from Brushanski bridge to the bridge "Sloga"; - Additionally, the municipality of Kavadarci built another part of the riverbed of Luda Mara in a length of 760 meters, from the complex of buildings "Sileks" to Vatashki bridge, and thus completed the third phase of construction of the riverbed of this river. However, for the full realization of this project it is necessary to undertake additional works for finalization of the riverbed of the river Luda Mara in the length of 685 meters, ie from the bridge "Sloga" to the urban community - the complex of buildings Sileks. The construction activities for complete completion of the riverbed are aimed at preventing the overflow of the river and the destruction of the area around the river, the destruction of private property of the local population, fertile areas and environmental pollution, as well as contributing to beautification around riverbed with ground floor and urban landscaping. Of particular importance is the fact that this river is the main recipient of wastewater. As it passes through the middle of the city, a collector is partially built on both sides in a length of 3 km to which all wastewater gravitates and flows into the river near the village of Marena. For this reason, if there is an overflow of the river from the riverbed due torrential rains, all wastewater (and covers 85% of the wastewater in the city) will be distributed in the surrounding areas and will be distributed to households, agricultural arable land and other facilities. The finalization of the riverbed of the river Luda Mara will reduce the overflow of the water level of the river, and thus will enable the prevention of the population in this region from possible infectious diseases and infections. In that way, it will contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the citizens in this part of the region, and a new urban area for sports and recreation, rest and relaxation, where the citizens of this part of the region, but also those numerous tourists from all over the country who will spend most of their free time right here in this municipality. The arranged riverbed of the river Luda Mara will increase the tourist attractiveness in the field of adventure and adrenaline sports and will create ecologically safe space in the open air for realization of outdoor activities that will enable healthy and proper development of the youngest population.
Project timeline:
Start 14.02.2020
Anticipated end 30.11.2020
End 30.11.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Локален економски развој
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони6.007.350,006.007.350,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ6.397.380,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 16.999.911,00 
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