Improving the regional connection in PPR - reconstruction. of road infrastructure between n. m. Borino - Zitoshe


The municipalities of Krushevo and Dolneni are one of the smaller municipalities in RSM in terms of sources of revenue, ie they have limited financial resources. On the other hand, the situation with the road infrastructure in both municipalities is not at a satisfactory level, hence the need to invest significant funds for the construction or reconstruction of roads and streets. Only a small part of the existing roads and streets that are asphalted are in good condition without the need for reconstruction. Many roads and streets need reconstruction because the existing asphalt surface is outdated, there is great damage that makes it difficult for both vehicles and pedestrians to move. The road that connects the two municipalities, which is the subject of this project, is dirt. The municipalities make efforts for the investments to be evenly distributed in all settlements in order to improve the living conditions of the population living in them. In conditions of influx of population in the cities, driven by the accelerated development of urban areas, there was an imbalance in space and concentration of population in the cities, leaving the rural areas and emptying the villages. In such conditions, the rural environment is degraded, and the rural-urban migration, among other reasons, is encouraged by the inadequate infrastructural construction of the rural areas. This situation indicates the need for continuous investment in improving the road infrastructure to provide decent living conditions and economic activity of the local population. Within the road network in the Municipality of Krushevo and the Municipality of Dolneni, the road that is the subject of this project is of regional character. It connects the settlement of Zitoshe, Municipality of Dolneni with the settlement of Borino in the Municipality of Krushevo. This road further enables the connection of Zitoshe Municipality of Dolneni through Borino with Sazdevo, Jakrenovo, Borino and Belushino, Municipality of Krushevo. The two settlements are currently interconnected by a dirt road which is in extremely poor condition as it is subject to constant weather conditions. The nearest road connection between the two settlements is currently more than 6,000 meters long through n.m. Lazani. The implementation of this project will shorten the trip from Borino to Zitoshe by 4,532 meters or 68%. Since it is a matter of reconstruction of the existing road infrastructure, the dimensions of the road will be maintained, ie the reconstruction will be carried out within the existing width of the road of 3.5 m, with two lanes of 1.75 meters each. The project solution envisages laying of asphalt layer BNHS 16 with a thickness of 7 cm. Under the asphalt layer, in accordance with the standards for this type of reconstruction of road infrastructure, a buffer layer of crusher with a thickness of 30 cm will be placed. Before performing the works on asphalting the upper line, it is necessary to perform works on marking the route and earthworks. The population of the project area consists of members of different ethnic communities, vulnerable categories and different age structures. (elderly, young, children, women, men, people of different nationalities). This road will also be used by over 150 students who attend classes in the surrounding settlements, as well as the employees in those educational and other institutions.
Project timeline:
Start 08.07.2019
End 22.04.2020
Anticipated end 01.06.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони6.565.024,006.565.024,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА6.565.024,00 
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