Environmental protection in RPP through infrastructure interventions to regulate river flow in p. Germijan


Besides the springs on the territory in the Pelagonija region (municipality of Demir Hisar), Crna Reka flows through 5 other municipalities: Novaci Bitola, Mogila, Krivogashtani and Prilep, which make up more than 75% of the territory of the Pelagonija region. Crna Reka together with its tributaries, not only because of the water potential but also because of the proximity to agricultural areas is the largest water resource from which irrigates the entire southern part of the Pelagonija valley. The total number of tributaries of Crna Reka is more than 20, and the most important ones with a length of more than 10 km are: Semnica, Boishka Reka, Stara Reka, Dragor, Krajeska Reka, Vir, Lazecka Reka, Eleshka Reka, Konjarska Reka, Trnovcica, Gradeshka Reka, Buturica, Blasica, Kamenica, Zaba, Gjuresnica, Blato, Krusheichka Reka, Dunjska Reka and Raec. The water level of Crna Reka, ie the regulation and arrangement of the riverbed of its basin and its tributaries, is an irreplaceable factor in the agricultural practice but also a constant threat to the environment and the proper cultivation of the land. Along the course of the Black River, several critical points have been identified at which there is regular outflow of water from the river and flooding of fertile agricultural land. The damages are several times: in the short term directly sown agricultural areas are destroyed, but even worse, in the long term the devastation of the agricultural land is done and it becomes unsuitable for cultivation and reclamation. The outflow of river water directly reduces its quality and after its return to the normal bed, the soil remains more polluted. Soil pollution requires its further treatment (before future cultivation) which through groundwater additionally returns harmful substances in the aboveground watercourse of Crna Reka together with its tributaries. A torrent called Yardski torrent passes through the central part of the village Germijan and divides the village into two parts. Because the torrent has a large catchment area that is not afforested during torrential rains, the houses and the arable agricultural areas in the area of ​​the village of Germijan are flooded. Due to the large sediments that carry the torrential waters, the riverbed of the river Eleska is flooded, where the torrent flows and the same waters and sediments flow into the river Crna, which reduces the inflow into the Crna river that causes floods. in the whole Pelagonija field in the areas of the municipalities of Novaci, Bitola and Mogila. Crna Reka is the largest watercourse in the Pelagonija region. Excluding Lake Prespa (which is a natural reservoir), the river is the largest hydro potential and water resource in the region. The whole course of the river is 207 km and depending on the geolocation, it can have the characteristics of a fast mountain river or a lake valley. The total area of ​​the river basin is almost 6,000 square kilometers. The river Semnica is the most important tributary of the Black River in the southern part of Pelagonija. Lake Strezevsko is built on it, which irrigates fertile agricultural areas and provides technical water for REK Bitola. In the lower part of its course, Semnica irrigates the fertile soil in the field between Bitola, Novaci and Mogila.
Project timeline:
Start 23.04.2019
End 18.09.2019
Anticipated end 30.11.2019
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони6.300.779,006.300.779,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА6.300.779,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 646.600,00 
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