Protection of the environment and the tourist potentials in the Pelagonija planning region through procurement of vehicles for municipal waste collection


Municipal waste management in the Republic of Macedonia is generally taken at a very low level, ie waste management is reduced only to its collection and disposal. The municipalities of Krushevo and Demir Hisar are no exception to this statement. Modern living is characterized by increasing generation of solid municipal waste in which there are more and more materials that are more difficult to decompose naturally. Improper treatment of this type of materials can cause environmental pollution and will generally have a negative impact on the quality of life of the population in the region. Also, inadequate treatment of biodegradable waste, ie organic waste is the cause of the creation of the so-called "Green House" gases (methane) which are the causes of the greenhouse effect. The leachate that is created during the uncontrolled decomposition of the organic fraction from the municipal waste is the cause of the pollution of the surface and groundwater. According to Article 22 of the Law on Local Self-Government - municipalities are responsible for collecting and transporting municipal waste from settlements. The Municipality of Krushevo and the Municipality of Demir Hisar have delegated this obligation to the public utility companies. In order for them to successfully perform this competence, it is necessary for the containers and other waste containers to be emptied in time and to keep the clean environment of the containers between discharges. Given the current situation of public enterprises in the region, without adequate or insufficient vehicles, they can not fulfill this task, so the municipalities together with public enterprises are exposed to numerous - justified - complaints and criticism by citizens. Location of the Municipality of Krushevo, with its mountainous climate, mild winters and cool summers, historical and cultural wealth are a perfect precondition for the development of winter and summer tourism. Despite the favorable opportunities, the connection with the larger city centers and great natural and material potentials in the region, they are not fully used, which is why Krushevo is one of the underdeveloped municipalities. The development goal of the municipality is to promote the city as a tourist center. This emphasizes the need to quickly solve the problem of garbage collection that will be useful for the public utility company and the municipality, and most of all for the citizens and visitors to the city. Garbage collection problem has long been clearly defined in both municipalities, but still exists, primarily due to the financial weakness of the public utility companies in Krushevo and Demir Hisar. Only with properly equipped special vehicles for garbage collection will it be possible to solve problems with garbage collection, and thus the municipalities to fulfill their legal obligation. PE "Komuna" - Krushevo, PE "Komunalec" - Demir Hisar, as well as the utility company in the municipality of Krivogashtani, are not able to respond in a timely manner to the requests of citizens for collection and transport of solid municipal waste. Garbage collection is done with vehicles that are outdated technology and vehicles in dilapidated condition. The realization of the project activities will contribute to: - greater protection and improvement of the environment in the municipalities of Krushevo, Demir Hisar and Krivogashtani. - efficient and effective collection and transport of solid municipal waste in Krushevo and Demir Hisar and if necessary in the municipality of Krivogashtani, - Improving the efficiency and effectiveness in the functioning of the PE "Komuna" - Krushevo and PE "Komunalec" - Demir Hisar and occasionally in the utility company in the municipality of Krivogashtani.
Project timeline:
Start 06.07.2018
End 17.01.2019
Anticipated end 31.01.2019
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони5.748.837,005.748.837,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА5.748.837,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 614.000,00 
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