Preparation of urban plans for the villages Oreovec and Krstec


Since the independence of the Republic of Macedonia until today, very little has been invested in the preparation of urban documentation in the villages by the municipalities and the state. Such an approach has greatly contributed to the economic and demographic development in the Republic of Macedonia to go in an undesirable direction, where in a short period of time we experienced city-village migration, and thus increased the disparities in the planning regions between urban areas and villages. The lack of urban documentation for the villages contributed to increasing the disparity in the development of the entire territory of the region and prevented their development, reduced the possibility of investment in rural development by the municipalities, the population living in the villages and other investors who would wanted to invest in agricultural development, construction of an air bath in Krstec and other alternative forms of tourism in the villages. In the mentioned target areas in the past 10 years there has been an increase in the number of local population and migration of part of the urban population from Prilep with construction of new buildings in the form of houses and cottages, the emergence of certified organic producers, increased number of households Oreovec who requested connection to the water supply network which took over the management of PCE "Water and Sewerage" Prilep, the number of households from Krstec who expressed interest in rehabilitation of the water supply network, which imposes the need for urban documentation for the villages Oreovec and Kr. The realization of the project "Development of urban plans for the villages Oreovec and Krstec" will enable better integration of the villages in the overall strategies for development of the region in terms of increasing the population in the target areas, development of organic agriculture, development and promotion of alternative forms of tourism, and the overall development of the villages by providing a basis for further investments by the municipality in the development and improvement of communal and road infrastructure. The Municipality of Prilep in the past years constantly invests in the preparation of urban documentation, in parallel with the urban environment of the city of Prilep and the villages in the municipality of Prilep. The selection of the villages Oreovec and Krstec for which we now want to prepare urban documentation is not accidental, and with the realization of the project proposal we will satisfy two priority measures, namely: - Optimal use and valorization of natural resources and energy potentials in the planning regions; - Building functional-spatial structures for better integration of urban with rural areas in planning regions;
Project timeline:
Start 14.06.2018
Anticipated end
End 30.11.2018
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Изработка на документација
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони576.562,000,00



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