Rehabilitation of the local road from the village of Ura e Sushicës to the landfill of Rusina, municipality of Gostivar - phase 3


The local road from the village of Sushichki Most to the Rusino landfill The Municipality of Gostivar is in a very difficult condition. The road has been built since the time of the former Yugoslavia, several interventions have been made but they have not solved the problems for better access to the regional landfill Rusino. The asphalt is completely depreciated, there are big holes in the road, some parts of the road are very difficult to cross, PCEs from the municipalities of PPR face very big problems when they bring the solid waste to the landfill. Due to the poor condition of the local road, PCEs from the municipalities of PPR are facing a number of defects and other additional costs for maintenance of vehicles. Taking into account the above, the project is of great regional importance because the regulation and rehabilitation of a local road from the village of Sushichki Most to the landfill Rusino will solve a very big problem that has complicated the situation with the transportation and treatment of solid waste. level. Especially during the winter, when due to the poor access road to the Rusino landfill, the garbage could not be carried, so in many cases the garbage was thrown along the road, which narrowed the road and created additional difficulties for access to the regional landfill Rusino. Note: the project documentation was prepared from the BRD funds from 2017 as the first phase. As a second phase, 2.47 km of asphalt road was realized. The third phase envisages another 2.53 km, which means the finalization of the same. Especially for the needs of this project and the projects that are being implemented for the improvement of the Rusino landfill, an off-road vehicle is provided. The vehicle will significantly facilitate the work of the Center, especially the coordinators who are specially authorized to control the construction works and activities. It is worth emphasizing that the Center had functioned and controlled various activities all through its personal vehicles, which for the Center means increased costs. 2. Rehabilitation of a local road from the village of Sushichki most to the landfill Rusino Municipality of Gostivar: I. Previous things - Marking and securing the route (the axis of the subject location - from a tabular overview), - Clearing the route of bushes, roots, trees, etc. (computer measured), - Coating of vertical surfaces with unstable surfaces with unstable emulsion RB200, on an old joint with new asphalt (measured by computer). II.Upper machine - Procurement, transport and preparation of a buffer layer of crushed stone with grains F (0 - 63) mm, with planning and compaction to the required density d = 30cm under the road (to perform field testing for the position made according to MKS standards) (from tabular review), - Procurement, transport and machine installation and compaction of bituminous load-bearing layer BNHS 16A with thickness d = 7cm (to submit laboratory tests for the prepared position according to MKS standards) (measured by computer), - Construction of sidewalks and mechanical stabilization according to the project. The realization of this project will significantly contribute to the realization of one of the strategic goals of the Strategy for balanced regional development of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.
Project timeline:
Start 14.02.2020
Anticipated end 31.03.2021
End 31.03.2021
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони16.602.589,00962.253,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ16.602.589,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 7.930.000,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија