Horticultural and ground floor arrangement of part of the lake shore and formation of a lake beach in Dojran


The sustainable development of tourism and culture as a strategic goal means using the potentials in the region, the opportunities, as well as maintaining a balance between the economic, environmental and overall needs of the region. Protection of the natural environment and preservation of the authenticity of the tourist landmarks of Dojran are the main priority for the development of tourism in the Southeast planning region. Dojran Lake is known for its healing water, which besides the beautiful landscape is the main reason for the increase in the number of visitors to the Dojran beaches. When Dojran is mentioned, it means a beautiful lake landscape with small landscaped beaches rich in unique healing mud that is known beyond the borders of the country. However, part of the beaches due to natural disasters and other influences are neglected, overgrown with reeds and are not able to be used. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to clear and arrange them in order to be able to use the full potential offered by Lake Dojran. The arrangement of the space covered by this project proposal extends from north to south from the resort "Villa Tikves" on Elem Tours to the beach "Fuk Tak" in Sretenovo-Star Dojran, municipality Dojran in total length of 350 meters and variable length of transverse belt to maximum 50 meters. This area covers part of the cadastral parcels: KP1511 / 1,1511 / 2,1511 / 3 and KP10767 in CM Sretenovo, and near the beach there is a tourist settlement Mrdaja which is suitable for construction of tourist facilities, shops and other facilities. The current situation of this location, which has a huge potential for tourism development, is neglected and unused. From the west the location is limited and touches the regional road R-1105 road leading to Greece, and from the east the lake waters are currently land that is untidy, unarticulated and overgrown with vegetation, which in some places there are drastic deviations and construction debris. The purpose of this project is to provide conditions for arranging the parts of the coast where a pedestrian path was built, and due to the elevated water level of the lake it was flooded and destroyed by lake waves. Such surfaces should be cleaned of debris from the path and the retaining wall towards the lake on which the embankment of the route rests in order to create conditions for the use of such parts of the coast for lake beaches during the summer seasons. With the clearing of the ruined areas, the goal is to create conditions for them to be sprinkled with sandy loam material that will be harmonized for that purpose, and in the other part of the arranged parts to provide elements for ground and horticultural arrangement and installation of the necessary urban equipment for enabling a functional whole in the role of a lake beach, which will be an excellent tourist offer in the Southeast region. The arrangement is planned to be done with the help of construction mechanization at the very crossing from the land to the lake water surface on the determined part of the coast to remove the existing remains of construction waste, plant waste and vegetation, after which the coastal slope will be formed. safer and easier access to water. It is planned to remove a surface layer of humus and low-stem vegetation on the entire surface, intervention in the part of the line infrastructure, which is planned to remove the existing metal candelabras for lighting that are not in function and removal of the entire installation for their supply with accompanying elements, such as and upgrading and leveling of existing concrete sewer manholes. It is also planned in some places to improve the substrate with low load, saturated with groundwater, through excavation and its removal and application of buffer in layers to improve it. On the stretch of the entire route, there are several existing trade and catering facilities, which with their contents enrich the stay on this part of the coast and the newly planned beach. The project also includes the installation of a ground floor arrangement with a bekaton footpath for easier connection and communication with the existing environment, protected by a retaining wall to the lake waters. The surfaces provided for sanding will first be thoroughly cleaned of various debris and will be filled with autochthonous fine sand in layers with a height of 30 cm. Detailed activities are given in the bill of quantities which is an integral part of this application. This project will not only have an impact on the tourist offer and the development of tourism, but also on the overall economic development in the Southeast Planning Region. With the arrangement and formation of this beach, the locals will have the opportunity to offer certain catering services, accommodation and traditional food, from which they will have an increased benefit compared to previous years. Investing in the development of new tourist attractions, in this case "Horticultural and ground floor arrangement of part of the lake shore and the formation of a lake beach in Dojran", will have a positive impact on the development of tourism in the entire Southeast region, which will contribute to increasing of economic development. With the realization of this project, another place will be created, ie there will be another arranged beach where further opportunities for recreation and excursion will be offered where the citizens will be able to enjoy the natural beauties.
Project timeline:
Start 23.04.2020
Anticipated end 30.11.2019
End 30.11.2019
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Локален економски развој
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони3.558.875,003.558.875,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ4.243.075,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 524.425,00 
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