“ABOVE” is a project that will film-from-above the whole eligible area using drones technology. The drones will cover areas not covered by Google Street View such as mountains, forests, lakes, rivers, canyons, waterfalls, river paths, forest tracks, bike trails, and pedestrian routes. “ABOVE” takes to the air over Regional Units of Florina, Pella, Kilkis, Serres and Thessaloniki as well as Regions of Pelagonia, Vardar, Southeast and Southwest. It aims to showcase CBC area’s finest natural and geographical landmarks in a way never seen before. Stunning aerial hyper-lapse photography will allow to visualise the changes of a season in seconds. This spectacular aerial journey across the area will reveal how tradition, engineering and natural wonders have shaped this lovely land and will demonstrate the people who keep their traditions alive. The potential visitor will have the chance to witness the incredible and spectacular breathe-taking aerial journey, admire stunning sites and get privileged access to hidden areas. Exploiting VR “ABOVE” will give people a preview and understanding of what they would experience if they went to visit physically. VR tours are effective not only in enticing people to visit an area, but in helping them plan out what they’re going to do and how they’re going to spend their time once they’re there. The main objective of the project is to attract tourists with specific interests, mainly in rural and winter tourism from worldwide via the use of drones technology, digital technology, ICT and intense multi-channel broadcasting by creating new jobs opportunities, in direct line with the Programme’s Specific Objective. The sub-objectives of “Above” are: a. joint development of competitive niche tourism product covering the whole eligible CB area b. web based and digital marketing promotion addressed to client groups with thematic interests, such as eco-tourism, adventure and nature lovers c. engagement of the most relevant tourism stakeholders; d. capacity building of existing & perspective professionals of the tourism sector; e. creation of new self-employed or employed jobs. The target group consists of all potential tourists with special interests beyond the CBC area. The foreseen activities provide in the tourism sector direct outcomes to at least 100 professionals from at least 50 different companies, 30 young entrepreneurs, 10 perspective businesses, 10 tour operators, 200 influencers & bloggers; “Above” will also lead to increased capacity of the 3 organizations engaged in the project and some 10 experts within them. Project’s results’ potential beneficiaries are all the residents of the eligible area as a consequence of the attraction of more tourists, income grow and new jobs creation. The distinctive added value of “Above” is that the material of the aerial recording, covering all 4 seasons, will grant privileged access to the potential spectators; and additionally, can trigger other sectors of the economy such as farmers, civil protection experts, environmental preservation specialists, to use the footage in order to deepen their knowledge and monitor the natural environment of the area. As a consequence, the results affect broader life segments, beyond the duration of the project.
Project timeline:
Start 04.03.2022
Anticipated end 08.09.2023
End 31.12.2023
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Improving the competitiveness of the region's tourism offer for CBC
Ministry of Local Self-Government
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Институционална поддршка на приватните бизнис-иницијативи на високообразовните кадри и специјалисти што емигрирале во странство (сите плански региони)1.547.984,52400.935,00



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