Bike Cities Network for bikes , e-bikes, etc. Bikes Citites


The project implementation areas are still considered in an 'emerging' or development stage although they have competitive advantages but not yet sufficient tourism offerings and activities. BIKE CITIES project aims to address this gap at interregional level. The project partners, two major Municipalities (Serres and Strumica), the Lifelong learning Center of Region of Central Macedonia and the Organisation Promo Idea were motivated to take action in the field and specifically in Cycle Tourism that represents a great opportunity of green growth for the economy and a perfect form of tourism for the cross border area, taking into account its natural resources and the climate conditions. The cycling tourism shall expand the tourism season, reduce the environmental impact, bring tourists to those less visited areas (Serres and Strumica), increase the number of jobs and improve the living standards of the local people and create new tourist services and income in the regions. BIKE CITIES aims to structure, to promote and to take part in the development of a cycle touristic offer in the cross border area in order to generate economic benefits at territorial and transnational level by increasing visits, boosting local economy and creating new activities and new jobs in general. The project's outputs are organized into four axis: 1) Development of new tourism product which encompasses whole targeted area: Velo Parks in both countries, Mapping Mountain Bike and Road Cycling Routes in both areas and, Bike training Camps etc. 2) Improvement of new touristic product with related services in targeted area: Bike info centers in both areas inside Velo Parks, bikes, e-bikes, signs and other equipment needed for project's activities in both countries, Organisation of National racing events and Organisation of World Cup Calendar Event 3) Increase of the capacity of the tourism stakeholders in both areas in order to further support tourism offer and local economy: trainings programs (Bike Guides- instructors for beginners and tourists, Bike instructors for athletes and training camps, Bike friendly management in hotel and restaurants) in both countries, Workshops for local organisations and enterprises from both areas for bike friendly sustainable tourism development and workshops about e-bikes sustainability and service and a study visit in EU Velo park as a best practice 4) Promoting the new touristic product: conferences and open events, publicity material, website, social media, participation in an international expo and other activities as they will be defined in the project's Communication Plan, an integrated IT platform that combines cycle info and touristic destinations and also a multimedia exhibition regarding city historical retrospect. Young unemployed or staff and entrepreneurs will gain new knowledge regarding bike friendly businesses and cycling tourism but also about tourism services in general, and will acquire skills regarding business tourism management through the project activities, in order to work in new jobs that will come up as a consequence of the increased touristic attractiveness, not only in two municipalities, but also in the broader regions through the new tourism routes and services combining the expansion of Velo park.
Project timeline:
Start 16.11.2021
Anticipated end 16.10.2023
End 31.12.2023
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Израдба на капацитети
Ministry of Local Self-Government
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Институционална поддршка на приватните бизнис-иницијативи на високообразовните кадри и специјалисти што емигрирале во странство (сите плански региони)1.038.757,50353.847,00



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