Improving the conditions for rural development, tourism development and mobility in the Northeast Planning Region - Phase 4 (Act.4 - Procurement of equipment and tools for street ice lighting in the municipality of Staro Nagoricane)


Tourism as an economic category in the Republic of Macedonia is the least developed in the Northeast planning region. This weakness, however, is an opportunity in the strategic planning of policies for further development in the NIS to start with a joint performance of all municipalities and other stakeholders at the very beginning of the process. The negative results from the analysis for development of the planning region are defined by: insufficient capacity (accommodation, arrangement of natural, cultural and historical sights, etc.) and inadequate organization of relevant entities that have potential for tourism development in the Northeast planning region. In that direction, the Center for Development of the Northeast Planning Region (CRSIPR) after implemented mechanisms of mutual cooperation and separation of common priorities and performance at the level of the planning region, promotes this project as a project that offers real opportunities to overcome negative results, through quality offer and well-organized tourist routes. Based on the facts regarding the conditions for tourism development and the fact that the cultural - historical and natural heritage is the basis on which the tourist offer is largely based on a place, region, country or beyond, and in this regard this region abounds in various contents that until now were insufficiently presented and poorly visited and taking into account all specific geospatial, demographic, cultural and other aspects, one of the most adequate initial ways to activate tourism in this region is by promoting unique and recognizable regional tourist routes. " This project, whose main goal is the development of tourism, will have a significant role in economic development by creating conditions for new investments in tourism (opening opportunities for existing catering facilities to mobilize people from rural areas who will prepare gastronomic specialties from the region and that will increase their economic and financial input, and at the same time will motivate young people from rural areas to act in the set chain that this project creates). Assumptions will be created for the creation of new jobs and the promotion of cultural values ​​and natural resources of the Northeast Planning Region. The possibility of investments and establishment of public-private partnerships for opening new catering tourist facilities and contents is present because the project will create a basis for further development, and each new and different offer will be of interest to the region. There are also opportunities for investments in the field of handicrafts, souvenir shops, new gas stations, motels, etc. We must also mention the possibility of developing additional phases that include other content in the direction of spa or other tourism that will be in the direction of enriching the tourist content that will be created with this project. Inaccessibility to important attractions in the North-East, as well as the non-existence and insufficient number of accommodation facilities, are a problem that with the achieved results from the implemented activities in this project: Will facilitate access to important tourist attractions in the region; Will increase the attractiveness of the sites; They will create conditions for future investments. With the realization of the project activities, the problem will be partially and significantly overcome and will create assumptions for future development of tourist sites by developing other joint project proposals of the municipalities in the region.
Project timeline:
Start 23.04.2019
End 17.06.2020
Anticipated end 01.12.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Bureau for Regional Development
Staro Nagorichane
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони1.166.783,001.062.707,00



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