Reconstruction of a local road in the village of Otlja


Defining the problem and its assessment. The village of Otlja is one of the two largest villages in the municipality and with the number of citizens and the number of households, meaning a village where we need to solve at least the biggest problems as soon as possible. Together with you and other state bodies and foreign donations in this village, with the realization of several projects, we have finally started to solve several problems, namely the improvement of the infrastructure: we have completed the construction of fecal sewerage, water supply, bekatonization of streets, better conditions in primary school. But due to the above projects that we implemented and which required large financial resources, which are a priority, so far we could not solve another major problem. And that is, the problem with the local road through the middle of the village, which connects the whole village with the regional road R1102, which is currently in very poor condition, not to say catastrophic. At the moment, the situation is so terrible, because not only is the traffic difficult with vehicles, ie there is a high risk of accidents, but it is also difficult to cross on foot, especially when it is raining, in which case the road can be said that it is not passable, especially for the most vulnerable categories: the elderly who go to the mosque in this direction and the children go to school. Due to the above, the Municipality has prepared the necessary technical documentation, to solve this problem once and for all, so that the risk of the worst happening to us will remain in the past. But, now for realization we as a rural Municipality currently can not alone, because we do not have the necessary financial resources, but by accepting this application from you, all together, the assessment is that this big problem will be solved once and for all - risk, vital for the area, from any aspect. For example, the realization will stop the migration abroad, which at the moment can be freely said that we are leaders, but of course it is not for something good, which means the situation is very bad, so by investing in infrastructure, they will invest both domestic and external investors. Condition of the target area The area, v. Otlja is an area with specific needs, which currently, at a distance of 1 km from the headquarters of the Municipality, and also in the middle of this village passes the regional road R1102, a road that connects this village, the Municipality of Lipkovo, connects Kumanovo with Skopje, which is in excellent condition. Due to this, this road is widely used by the inhabitants of the Skopje municipalities and the municipalities in the Northeast planning region, due to the lack of a toll on it. With the reconstruction of the road in the village of Otlja in K.P. 2057, K.P. 32, K.P. 2059/2, K.P. 2058/2 and K.P. 2056, will merge quickly and securely and other settlements in the municipality of Lipkovo, which are mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. The population that gravitates in this area will be facilitated communication and the opportunity to place their products on the markets in the Skopje municipalities and the municipalities in the Northeast Planning Region. With the existence of modern infrastructure, opportunities are opened for increased investments in this part of the region, such as purchase centers, refrigerators for products, etc. An expressed interest in public-private partnership with the municipality of Lipkovo for development of the monastery complex in the village of Matejчеe. On the other hand, the problem with the inaccessibility of a tourist site of special importance for the region, the monastery complex in the village of Matejce, which is only 10 km away from the village. Otlja. Identification of the target group In the area of ​​the village Otlja, direct users are more than 3789 inhabitants according to the 2002 census, and certainly the real number exceeds 5000 inhabitants, because many citizens of this settlement have not yet resolved the status of citizenship and also the number of non registered in the 2002 census is large, because many are abroad, and indirectly more than 20,000 inhabitants of the Municipality and more than 130,000 inhabitants of the region. Assessment of the needs and requirements of the target group, ie assessment of direct users / users of the results The needs are great, and the demands not only for this area but also for others, but because of the large number of 3789 users directly, and indirectly more than 130,000, but because the village Otlja is the largest village, and plus as we mentioned above currently the risk of a catastrophe with human consequences is at a high level, from an accident.
Project timeline:
Start 12.06.2020
Anticipated end 15.12.2020
End 15.12.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони3.000.000,003.000.000,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ25.173.294,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија