Basic project for ground floor arrangement in the village. Lesok


Within a municipality, we often face disparities in the socio-economic development between rural and urban settlements as a result of various reasons, and the most common reason is the lack of sufficient funds in the municipal budgets for investments in rural areas. The municipality of Tearce is a rural and agricultural municipality and the inhabitants of this municipality mostly work and exist from this economic activity. However, the improvement of the overall living conditions, the quality of life, the opportunities for recreation and socialization among the inhabitants should in no case be neglected. Rural development is a complex process that depends on a multi-sectoral approach in implementing development policy and mobilizing local resources. Utilizing the identified strengths and opportunities as well as the comparative advantages of the region should create synergies on a horizontal and vertical level that will focus on interventions to improve agriculture, but also in improving the socio-economic status of the rural population and the quality of life in their communities. Lesok is located at 560 meters above sea level in Dolni Polog (Tetovo part of the Polog valley). From Tetovo, the village of Leshok is 9 km north. Lesok is mentioned at the beginning of the Middle Ages as an urban settlement under the name Legen Grad. Archaeological remains testify to it, the most famous of which is the Leshok Fortress. The access to the monastery is through the main road of the village Leshok, until its completion, from where through car access there is contact with the mountainous part of the Polog valley. The monastery is located in a natural setting near the village of Leshok, at an altitude of 610 meters. In the complex are the churches "St. Athanasius "and" St. Bogorodica ”, as well as the tomb and memorial room of Kiril Pejчиinovi кој who is one of the most famous Macedonian revivalists of the XIX century. In the monastery lodgings there is a chapel dedicated to Saints Cyril and Methodius, while outside the monastery complex there is an old church dedicated to Athanasius of Alexandria, the so-called Old monastery. The monastery was first founded in 1321 by Bishop Anthony of Polog. The complete revival that is visible today is due to the arrival of Pejчиinovi од from Mount Athos, in 1818, when the monastery lodgings were restored and when the monastery library was founded. At that time Leshok grew into a literary and educational center. The monastery lodgings are currently in ruins, a project has been prepared for them and its implementation is awaited. Rural communities need ground floor landscaping, landscape architecture, and basic services to connect and facilitate transportation solutions. The need arises in order to help the existing rural areas to be connected and arranged in order to provide a better place of residence for the citizens, to integrate and to cooperate better. Rural areas are places of great wealth and they can become even more attractive if we enable them to discover their potential. This project envisages arranging the space in front of the Leshok Monastery and asphalting the entrance part of the monastery which is much visited. Candelabra with lanterns are planned around the whole monastery complex, which will improve the ambience and will illuminate the environment, setting up wooden benches and trash cans. The realization of this project will enable to create necessary conditions for the development of the village. Leshok, and the arranged space will positively affect the quality of life of the people from this village, as well as the picnickers and visitors. All this will have a positive effect on preserving a healthy environment and increasing economic development in the village of Leshok and in the municipality of Tearce by increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of the village.
Project timeline:
Start 12.06.2020
End 10.12.2020
Anticipated end 15.12.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Локален економски развој
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони3.500.000,002.307.814,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ6.175.569,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија