Park of wind power plants (PVE) Bogdanci - second phase


"Bogdanci Wind Power Plant (PWE) - second phase is a continuation of the first and will be performed on the existing scope of the previously realized first phase, due to the fact that according to the measuring stations placed on the site is determined as the most promising for maximum use of The project will be in the same scope of the project (PVE) Bogdanci - first phase, using the same access road and the existing substation and transmission line, with the construction of an access road and platforms for placing the pillars. according to several criteria: location conditions, ie topography, required capacity class, maximum height, sensitivity factor, etc. This phase will consist of 3 to 4 wind turbines, which will result in a total installed capacity of at least 13.2 MW and a nominal annual electricity production of about 37 GWh. With this project, the following effects are expected to be achieved: 1. The installed capacity of AD ESM is increased by 13.2 MW and annual production of additional 37 GWh, sufficient for electricity supply to about 6000 households. 2. The project Bogdanci Wind Power Park is completed on the projected installed capacity of 50 MW and a total annual production of about 137 GWh. 3. The construction will increase the share of renewable sources in the production of electricity from AD ESM by about 3%. The Republic of Northern Macedonia has obligations to the European Union to meet the targets for 20% production from renewable sources in the energy balance, a goal that is set and supported by all relevant institutions in Macedonia. 4. CO2 emission savings of around 35,000 t / year. The project will be implemented on the territory of the municipality of Bogdanci. The location is located on mv Mamino, ie in KO Bogdanci outside the city, a few kilometers north of the city Bogdanci. The elevation extends 3.5 km north-west of Bogdanci. Near the location, on its northwest side is the village of Marvinci. The realization of the project will take place in two parts, LOT1 - construction of wind turbines and LOT2 - construction of roads and cable connections. LOT1 includes wind turbines, including transformers, foundations, transport, installation and commissioning. LOT2 includes construction and electrical works. This includes all construction work for the construction of platforms, roads, as well as all costs for the installation of medium voltage network, necessary optical cables and other electrical equipment. With the realization of the second phase, the project "Bogdanci Wind Park" of the projected installed capacity of 50 MW and a total annual production of about 137 GWh is completely completed. "
Project timeline:
Start 09.10.2019
Anticipated end
End 09.10.2021
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Environmental protection and sustainable use of shared natural resources in the CBC region
Non-Budget Users
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Развивање на современа и модерна инфраструктура во планските региони 1.296.489.862,922.274.000,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Сопствени извориАкционерско друштво за производство на електрична енергија „Електрани на Република Северна Македонија“ во државна сопственост - Скопје185.212.837,56 
Фондови на Европската унијаАкционерско друштво за производство на електрична енергија „Електрани на Република Северна Македонија“ во државна сопственост - Скопје1.111.277.025,36 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија