Preparation of technical documentation (infrastructure and basic projects) for construction of local Streets in the village of Chiflik, v. Crnik, v. Umlena and v. Robovo, Municipality of Pehchevo


The municipality of Pehchevo has a peripheral position in relation to the main corridors in the country, ie through its territory passes the regional road R 523 Strumica - Delchevo and in the past few years the municipality is heavily affected by emigration flows, especially from rural settlements while one of the main reasons for the same is the quality of life in those settlements and in that segment, especially the existence and quality of road infrastructure (local streets). The local self-government in order to improve the quality of life of the population places special emphasis on creating the preconditions for the development of rural areas and in that context the improvement of the overall infrastructure in rural areas and although the municipality regularly invests resources in maintaining the existing and building new local road infrastructure within the modest budget funds, however, there are other local streets in the villages of Chiflik, Crnik, Robovo and Umlena that have not been built, ie for which no project documentation has been prepared. So far, although with great difficulties, the municipality has managed to maintain the quality of the road network at a satisfactory level and to continuously invest especially in settlements in the maintenance and construction of road infrastructure. Indicator for the last few years are 2.7 km of reconstructed streets in the city of Pehchevo (EU IPA Rural Infrastructure Grant), built and / or paved with behaton tiles village streets in the length of 9 km as well as construction of village squares and others. Generally, the biggest need is (to) the construction of smaller streets in the rural settlements in the village of Chiflik (4 legs of the village street L = 981 m), the village of Crnik (1 street and 2 legs of the village street L = 700 m.), .Umlena (2 streets and 2 legs of a village street L = 1,236 m.) And the village of Robovo (1 street and 2 legs of a village street L = 644 m.). These local streets have a total length of 3,561 km. During the past few years as a result of climate change and frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall and floods the entire road infrastructure was exposed to damage, ie the most notable were the floods in summer 2015 and spring 2016 when there was huge damage to the overall road infrastructure that exceeds capacity to the municipality to repair them. Namely due to the nature of the substrate (rural streets with soil and sand buffer), ie the impact of external climatic factors (torrential rains and floods) as well as the human factor (intensive use of agricultural machinery throughout the year), the quality of the rural streets is in very poor condition. Although the most critical points were repaired / are being repaired, the local streets are still in poor condition and a responsible approach to solving the problem with the streets in the rural settlements is necessary by detecting the priorities, preparing technical documentation and construction of the priority rural streets. The blocked account of the municipality and other financial difficulties in the daily work exceed the capacities of the local self-government to plan and timely execute the damaged rural streets, which of course has a great impact on the economic flows in those settlements but also on traffic safety and the general population. aspect of other serious risks to the population, ie difficult access due to damaged road infrastructure of PP vehicle, ambulance, etc .. The problem with the damaged road infrastructure from the floods in the past years is highly ranked on the list of detected needs of the citizens that were clearly expressed during the Water Forum held during 2014-2015 and subsequently at the Budget Forum 2018 organized by the Municipality of Pehchevo for planning of the budget for 2019. The preparation of technical documentation is the first step towards real implementation, ie construction of the rural villages in question and taking a pro-active attitude towards solving the problem of the rural population in the interest primarily of improving living conditions in those settlements and the safety of participants. in traffic but not neglecting the economic implications and the impact of the situation on the attractiveness and support of economic activities in rural areas.
Project timeline:
Start 17.07.2019
Anticipated end 31.03.2020
End 31.03.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Изработка на документација
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони461.975,00329.220,00


Развивање на современа и модерна инфраструктура во планските региониДолжина на реконструирани и изградени нови локални патишта (во км)km 


Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ461.975,00 
Република Северна Македонија Влада на Република Северна Македонија