Construction of part of the local road Stip - v. Kosevo - v. Pochivalo


In a period of several decades, the road communication in the micro region of the wider area from the foot of the mountain Plachkovica in the east-southeast direction connects the villages Shashavarlija, Nikoman, Kalapetrovci, Koshevo and Pochivalo, is very difficult. The road infrastructure is in a desperately bad condition and is difficult on insufficiently accessible terrain on a black and muddy dirt road for most of the year. The Municipality of Stip strives to influence the situation with the needs of the population with permanent place of residence in these settlements as a wider rural area on its territory including these 5 villages. For that purpose the municipality of Stip prepared a plan on annual level according to the needs of the inhabitants to define priorities for possible infrastructural interventions in phases according to the possibilities, which will influence the fulfillment of the basic needs of the inhabitants due to the need for improvement of the local infrastructure. Also the Municipality of Stip made extraordinary efforts with its own means to prepare technical documentation, performed route measurement, bill of quantities calculation and preparation of basic technical and planning documentation for preparation of proposals for infrastructural interventions and interventions needed for the villages in this micro region including the village Shashavarlija , v. Nikoman, v. Kalapetrovci, v. Koshevo and v. Pochivalo for which funds would be required for their realization. All these activities are in accordance with the requirements of the residents of these five settlements inhabited by residents of many nationalities. The current condition of the local road that connects these five villages is in very poor condition, as well as the access streets through each of these villages. Due to the need for faster communication to the city, more intensive economic activity and access to the city with the improvement of road communication will enable and increase the passability and frequency of use of vehicles, agricultural machinery and other services needed for residents of these settlements. For that purpose the Municipality of Stip started in several phases to arrange the road infrastructure on part of this unbuilt route about 12 km long and in the next period it will make efforts through financing with its own participation and allocation of funds from other sources like co-financing to implement infrastructural projects that support the construction of road and other rural infrastructure in these and other rural settlements that belong to the category of villages with specific development needs, ie villages where the road infrastructure is completely degraded and in very poor condition further deteriorated by uncontrolled atmospheric water and erosive impacts
Project timeline:
Start 04.06.2021
Anticipated end
End 01.11.2022
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Патен сообраќај
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони4.000.000,000,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ4.000.000,00 
Буџет на единицата на локалната самоуправа 798.870,00Општина Штип
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