Procurement of municipal waste vehicle


Municipality of Centar Zupa is a rural municipality / areas (Decision on determining the areas with specific development needs in the Republic of Northern Macedonia for the period from 2020 to 2024 number 45-10015 / 1 from 16.12.2019) and is part of the wider regional unit which in Natural, economic, social and infrastructural sense has been identified as a region of Western Macedonia for several decades. The municipality covers an area of ​​107m2 km ”with the following settlements Bajramovci, Balanci, Brestani, Broshtica, Lasiqi, Golem Papradnik, Gorno Melnichani, Gorenci, Dolgas, Dolno Melnichani, Evla, Elevci, Zitinineni, Kociko, Kodzikna, Kodzikna, Kodzna , Odzovci, Pareshi, Pralenik, Centar Zupa and Crno Boci (4 are without inhabitants), with a total population of 6519 according to the 2002 census. The collection of municipal waste is performed by the municipal public enterprise "JP Kale", financially supported by the municipality, which collects municipal waste with a tractor and stores it in the municipal shelter (landfill) located at a convenient location away from settlements . The maintenance of the landfill is done with its own mechanization. Waste collection is currently carried out in 5 villages: Golem Papradnik, Mal Papradnik, Centar Zupa, Balanci and Odzovci. while in the other settlements, 14 places, there is no organized collection of communal waste and the biggest reason for that is the lack of a suitable vehicle for collection of communal waste. Currently, the collection and transport of municipal waste is done with one tractor vehicle and each user dumps his own waste in barrels and other improvised containers which due to inadequate and damaged waste containers is wasted time, workers are exposed to unpleasant odors and often the waste falls on them, ie their health is endangered. Waste collection in these five settlements is done twice a week which is insufficient and creates an opportunity for opening illegal landfills, environmental pollution and health hazards to the inhabitants of the municipality, but also creates a huge financial problem because the machinery is old depreciated. and repairs are often made, leading to irregular collection of municipal waste. From the above, the procurement of a communal vehicle for collection, transportation of municipal waste appears as a priority need. Within this project, a campaign will be conducted by the municipality and PE "Kale" - Centar Zupa to raise public awareness related to uncontrolled dumping and disposal of waste by organizing tribunes and meetings in settlements with the involvement of local media and citizens. organizations, as well as strengthening the control by the municipal inspection services on illegal dumping and disposal of waste on illegal landfills and public areas. Waste collection and disposal in accordance with the Law on Environment and the Law on Waste Management is the responsibility of the municipality, which is obliged to organize the collection and disposal of waste throughout the municipality, but due to poor financial capacity the Municipality of Centar Zupa can not do without financial assistance from state institutions to improve the service for collection and disposal of municipal waste in all settlements. The realization of the project will completely cover the waste collection in all settlements of the municipality, will increase the dynamics of waste collection two to three times a week, all in order to ensure a healthy environment as an important aspect of creating of competitive planning regions that will be recognized by the good living and working conditions of the population.
Project timeline:
Start 04.06.2021
End 15.11.2021
Anticipated end 01.11.2022
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Животна средина
Bureau for Regional Development
Centar Zhupa
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони3.500.000,003.498.700,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ3.918.780,00 
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