“Procurement of two specialized communal vehicles for garbage and shredder for waste branches and trees for the tourist locality Gabrovski Vodopadi et al. Gabrovo


With the expansion of the tourist offer on the territory of the Municipality of Strumica, more precisely at the foot of the mountain Belasica and the development of Gabrovo waterfalls as part of the specific development areas, there is a need for greater maintenance of the tourist site Gabrovski Vodopadi, Gabrovo and the whole part of the area. place Gabrovo. For that purpose, the municipality of Strumica is committed to environmental protection and protection of tourist and cultural heritage. During the procurement of two specialized communal vehicles for garbage and shredder for waste branches and trees for the settlement of Gabrovo and for the tourist locality Gabrovski Vodopadi, which will be part of the public enterprise for communal activities, the hygiene will be raised to a higher level. The village of Gabrovo is the only village in the Municipality of Strumica that belongs to areas with specific development needs. It is located 15 km from the city of Strumica, at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level and has an area of ​​1883 hectares. It is located at the foot of Mount Belasica and is a village with rare natural beauties and resources and offers excellent opportunities for the development of rural tourism. Here at the foot of Belasica in the village of Gabro are the widely known Gabrovo waterfalls, one of the most famous tourist sites in the Municipality of Strumica. Besides the three waterfalls, this locality has many other natural rarities, picturesque landscape, rich flora and many traditional features with authentic Macedonian traditional look such as old houses with balconies, picturesque landscape, landscaped trim hiking trail and kind hosts. The village of Gabrovo has been one of the most visited villages by tourists from the region and beyond for years because of the Gabrovo waterfalls. All this contributed to the realization of several projects that regulated this rural area such as construction of a trim path, construction of a reservoir, construction of a road leading directly to the Gabrovo waterfalls, arrangement of a atmospheric canal of 360m from the village center to the main road, arrangement of the Tutej torrent, Setting up of Base Stations as one of the last projects financed by the Bureau for Regional Development-BRD and regulation of the waters from the springs of the mountain Belasica and other projects. All these projects enabled the improvement of the infrastructure in the village of Gabrovo, the improvement of the local economic development and the development of tourism, which greatly increased the level of quality of life of the local population. The village of Gabrovo, as we have mentioned, is located at the foot of the mountain Belasica and the fertile Strumica field and is exposed to frequent floods from the torrents that gravitate towards the village. The torrent that attacked the center of the village is not completely regulated and the torrential waters with the help of a drainage earth channel are discharged into the Monospitovo swamp. The other torrents are not regulated and the torrential waters flow uncontrollably into the village and with their arrival they cause huge damages and pose a life threat to the population of that part of the village. In order to eliminate the dangers and huge material damages, the Municipality of Strumica together with the local inhabitants defined this problem as well as the solution for it, namely construction of a Drainage Canal in the center of the village near the School by making a Basic Design for surface water and concrete canal. taking them to Monospitovo swamp. The realization of this project will enable prevention of the local population from the damages caused by the bigger rains material damage to buildings and households and the introduction of large deposits of stones, trees and rubble and damage to the existing road network and retaining walls. The basic project for Atmospheric Canal in the village of Gabrovo which was financed by BRD was one of the priority projects of the Municipality of Strumica for this settlement according to the consultation and participation of the population of the village of Gabrovo in deciding which projects are implemented in 2019. Now, as a need for this populated tourist place, there is a need to purchase two specialized communal vehicles for garbage and shredder for waste branches and trees for the tourist site Gabrovski Vodopadi, which will be in charge of hygiene and clean streets in the village and maintenance of tourist attractions. which this village offers to the numerous tourists who visit the village. Gabrovo.
Project timeline:
Start 04.06.2021
End 27.09.2022
Anticipated end 01.11.2022
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Животна средина
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони6.500.000,006.488.820,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ12.744.000,00 
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