Preparation of investment and technical documentation at the level of the basic project for 3 projects in the settlement of Gabrovo


The project for preparation of investment technical documentation at the level of basic project for 3 projects in Gabrovo is one of the priority projects of the Municipality of Strumica for this settlement according to the consultation and participation of the population of Gabrovo in deciding which projects will be implemented in 2020. For many years in a row, the village of Gabrovo is one of the most visited villages by tourists from the region and beyond due to the Gabrovo waterfalls. All this contributed to the realization of several projects that regulated this rural area such as construction of a trim path, construction of a reservoir, construction of a road leading directly to the Gabrovo waterfalls, arrangement of the torrent Tutej and other projects. All these projects enabled the improvement of the infrastructure in the village of Gabrovo, the improvement of the local economic development and the development of tourism, which greatly raised the level of quality of life of the local population. In accordance with the planning and program commitments for realization of the program for communal arrangement of the Municipality of Strumica, and in accordance with the Law on Construction, it is necessary to prepare technical documentation for 3 basic projects, as follows: 1. Basic project for rehabilitation of a field road, together with an infrastructure project, in the village of Gabrovo; 2. Basic project for construction of a local road, together with an infrastructure project, in the village of Gabrovo 3. Basic project for construction of a torrent canal, together with an infrastructure project, in the village of Gabrovo The field road directly connects the village of Gaborovo with the area of ​​the village. Gabrovo. It is an important part of the Polish road network, which facilitates the transport of agricultural goods in this cadastral municipality. The road is 2500 m long, and the lane width is 3.50 m. together with a hemp on one side of the road with a width of 0.55 m. The purpose of preparing technical documentation and further implementation of infrastructural interventions is to improve the infrastructure in the village which will contribute to increasing the quality of urban living. The torrent passes through the village settlement Gabrovo, and is formed by the waters of the catchment area located above this village settlement, on the mountain Belasica. In the past period, for the regulation of this torrential flow, no activities have been undertaken for its regulation in terms of preparation of Technical documentation and its realization. The torrent has a large catchment area and during heavy rains causes great damage in the village. Gabrovo. From the performed field inspection, it was determined that due to non-undertaking editorial measures in the watershed and the bed of this torrent, during the last intense rains, huge material damage was caused to the facilities and infrastructure. In order to solve the above-mentioned problem, it is necessary to take urgent measures to regulate this torrent, first by preparing the Technical documentation and then by its realization as soon as possible. The regulation of the torrent channel will fulfill the following goals: • Stabilization of the riverbed and the banks of the torrent channel; • Improving protection against large waters;
Project timeline:
Start 04.06.2021
Anticipated end
End 01.11.2022
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Изработка на документација
Bureau for Regional Development
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
Подигнување на капацитетот на планските региони за препознавање, промовирање и реализирање на потенцијалот за инвестиции во планските региони500.000,000,00



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Буџет на државатаБИРО ЗА РЕГИОНАЛЕН РАЗВОЈ870.250,00 
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