Building competitiveness through collaboration and innovation: access to export markets for handicrafts


Thematic Priority: Enhancing competitiveness, business and SME development, trade and investment Implementing institutions: Kreacija Association of Business and consultants – ZBK Kreacija Skopje Advocacy training and resource center – ATRC Prishtina, Kosovo Association for development initiatives ZENITH – Association ZENITH Skopje Website: Duration: 24 months Project value: EUR 226,663.38 EU Contribution: EUR 192,641.21 Co-financing: EUR 34,022.17 The EU reports for Macedonia and Kosovo express concerns on serious challenges in developing their competitiveness and ability to cope with market pressures relater to EU accession. Despite some improvements in investment climate and the infrastructure of both countries and their cross-border areas, the exports are still predominantly dominated by low value added goods and lack of innovation, leading to problems with high unemployment, low participation rates of the labour market especially among woman and youth and migration to mire developed regions and countries. The potentials of the creative industries in both countries are yet adequately utilized. Among these innovative industries the handicraft sector draws attention as one which requires little start up investment and is characterized with growing foreign markets with high profit margins. Competitiveness and innovation in this sector is dependent on ability of artisans to interact and fuse skills, design philosophies, production techniques and branding approaches as well as on their ability to cluster and cooperate in building support common structures. Artisans need support in offering products based on product differentiation strategy, developing market access infrastructure and logistics. Overall objective: Contribute to economic development and social inclusion in the cross border area of the East Region in Kosovo as well as the Northeast and Skopje Region in Macedonia through income generation of start-ups and micro enterprises Direct Beneficiaries: Handicraft artisans and microenterprises in the region of the two countries Citizens interested to start up handicraft production/sale Export support structures for handicraft artisans including artisan chambers and associations on national and local level in cbc area Municipal bodies for local economic development and centers for development of regions (East Region in Kosovo and Northeast and Skopje Region in Macedonia Results: One Market research of the handicraft export market available through online selling produced One Research on the potentials, challenges and support services for mass handicraft design and production in the Macedonia – Kosovo Cross border area produced 6 courses for 166 participants realized 166 toolkits for participants prepared 100 coaching session in both countries Handicraft collection of 100 models suitable for export developed Joint Network of handicraft artisans in the Cross border area created 2 cooperatives for support in design, promotion, sales and delivery established 2 business plans for the cooperatives prepared Online shop in English and other key languages created Products promoted on international handicraft e-marketing platform One promotional campaign ( 6 promotional videos, 300 promotional photos, social media advertising) Two selling exhibitions organized
Project timeline:
Start 01.04.2018
Anticipated end 01.04.2020
End 30.10.2020
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Ministry of Local Self-Government
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
1.Зголемување на конкурентноста, развој на бизнисот, МСП, трговијата и инвестициите 2. Поттикнување на туризмот и културното и природното наследство 3.Заштита на животната средина, промовирање на адапцијата кон климатските промени и намалување, спречување и управување со ризици1.219.616,061.238.145,06



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Фондови на Европската унија 12.720.179,81 
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА1.219.616,06Максимално национално кофинансирање
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