Common actions for environment protection through improvement of wastewater and sewage system


Thematic Priority: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management Implementing institutions: Municipality of Gazi Baba – Lead Partner Municipality of Hani i Elezit – Partner Website: Duration: 18 months Project value: EUR 386,592.08 EU Contribution: EUR 309,273.00 Co-financing: EUR 77,319.08 The background to the preparation of the action is based on the Municipal “Strategy of the Local Economy Development” and the document “Objectives of the development program” from Municipality of Gazi Baba and on the “Strategy of socio-economic development of Hani i Elezit” from Municipality of Hani i Elezit. Main focus in the “Objectives of the development program” from Municipality of Gazi Baba is given to improvement to the quality of life of the inhabitants of rural settlements located on the slopes of Skopska Crna Gora, through the construction of the primary sewage system by the end of 2020; to create communal preconditions for dynamic rural development of settlements spread on the slopes of Skopska Crna Gora; protection of the environment and health of the inhabitants of the rural settlements, to create assumptions for the development of the local economy through the construction of the primary fecal network. The “Strategy of socio-economic development of Hani i Elezit” from municipality of Hani i Elezit provides analyses for the content of this action, the analyses mainly focused in the social development and wastewater and sewage system improvements. The proposed project is based on the priority adaptation option identified in the Local Environment Action Plan 2013-2019 of Municipality of Gazi Baba, specifically identification and assessment of environment conditions and fecal and atmospheric sewage treatment of wastewater. In the same line Local Environment Action Plan 2012-2017 of the Municipality of Hani i Elezit presents contexts and bases for the design of the action to protect the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management. Overall objective: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management Direct Beneficiaries: Municipalities of Gazi Baba and Hani i Elezit, respectively 2100 inhabitants in the v. Secishte in municipality of Hani I Elezit and 345 inhabitants in the v. Smilkovci municipality of Gazi Baba Results: Improvements of sewage system in municipality of Gazi Baba v. Smilkovci as a result of reconstruction of network sewage system, Strengthened capacities of institutions by organized and delivered workshops in relation to “Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaption and mitigation and risk prevention” for both CB area partners Development and production of new Local Environmental Action Plan (LEAP) 2020-2026 as a continuation of the old LEAP (2013-2019) for Municipality of Gazi Baba, and for municipality of Hani i Elezit (2020 – 2025), continuation of old LEAP (2012-2017) Awareness of a cleaner environment, and project lessons learned widely shared
Project timeline:
Start 01.02.2020
End 31.07.2021
Anticipated end 01.10.2021
Start date:
End date:
Completion date:
Type of project:
Водовод и канализација
Ministry of Local Self-Government
Gazi Baba
Budget program:

Strategic measures

Strategic measureAllocated amount by projectsCompleted amount by projects
1.Зголемување на конкурентноста, развој на бизнисот, МСП, трговијата и инвестициите 2. Поттикнување на туризмот и културното и природното наследство 3.Заштита на животната средина, промовирање на адапцијата кон климатските промени и намалување, спречување и управување со ризици2.020.956,361.656.555,57



Financing sourceInstitutionAmountNote
Фондови на Европската унија 21.754.456,56 
Буџет на државатаМИНИСТЕРСТВО ЗА ЛОКАЛНА САМОУПРАВА2.020.956,36Максимално национално кофинансирање
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