Систем за координација во планирањето, спроведувањето, мониторингот и евалуацијата на политиката за рамномерен регионален развој

CBCEko деца


Overall Objective: Cross Border Programme area benefiting from enforcement of environmental protection standards and values Project Purposes: Increased use of green technologies into pursuing a clear energy transition and reduce deforestation in cross border areas. Activity 1.1: Designation of Project Steering Committee responsible for operation, control and maintenance of the proposed action; Activity 1.2: Preparation of technical specification for interventions in 4 (four) public facilities in Ferizaj Municipality; Activity 1.3: Preparation of technical specification for interventions in 4 (four) public facilities in Çair Municipality; Activity 1.4: Procurement procedures for intervention contracts and supply contracts for 4 (four) public education institutions in Ferizaj Municipality; Activity 1.5: Procurement procedures for intervention contracts and supply contracts for 4 (four) public education institutions in Çair Municipality; Activity 1.6: Assessment procedures for controlling system of air pollution and deforestation in cross border area; Activity 1.7: Capacity building of central and local authorities enforce the law and regulations for eco-friendly and green technologies; Activity 1.8: Cross border meetings of experts from both Regions for sharing experiences and creating new joint monitoring mechanisms R.1.1: Generated resources for energy efficiency, promoted and sustainably used in public economies in line with WB Green Agenda; R.1.2: Eco-friendly & energy efficiency sources improved, by investments in eight (8)) public educational buildings in Ferizaj and Çair municipalities; R.1.3: Enhanced and apply up taken the best available techniques from Pan-European Networks for public premises; R.1.4: Municipal mechanisms strengthened within cross border cooperation to address EU soil Thematic Strategy R. 2.1: Mitigation and Sustainable Development promoted to/by the pupils; R. 2.2: Information exchange activities and trainings conducted through public awareness campaigns and pilot small scale eco-friendly initiatives. R. 3.1: Improved awareness of women for opportunities of engagement in renewable energy sector and environment protection ventures; R.3.2: Enhanced capacities of policymakers and public stakeholders to identify and address barriers of women engaged in environmental protection standards and values.
Времетраење проект:
Почеток 01.02.2022
Предвиден крај 31.08.2023
Крај 31.08.2023
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